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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

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How @Microsoft @Office Simplifies My Life As A Busy Mom and Businesswoman

As a busy blogger, mom, entrepreneur, Lifestyle coach and TV correspondent, I need to be organized. Microsoft Office 365 has been keeping me on top of my business and family for many years, and I simply could not function without it.

I wanted to share with you some Office programs I can’t live without, reasons why I love Office 365 and why you would too. The exciting part about Office 365, is it’s ONE subscription for FIVE DEVICES! Everyone in our house now has the new Office 365! And today, we celebrate the one-year anniversary of Office 365, which now has more than 3.5 million subscribers, so congrats!!

Would You Stay With A Cheating Spouse?

Saturday morning my three men were cuddled in my bed (like every single morning of our lives), and I came downstairs quickly to make myself a cup of coffee. I opened our front door in my cozy bathrobe and slippers and brought in the newspaper (again, like every morning), and took a quick glance to see if anything looked interesting. I then came across a headline that caught my attention. It was an article from The London Daily Telegraph.

It read: Sad state of affairs? Best to turn the other cheek. An extramarital relationship can end in divorce, but forgiving may be less painful. Women’s radar tells them when their partner is having an affair, but “there’s this unspoken agreement” not to find out, French psychologist Maryse Vaillant says.

Dealing With The “Boss From Hell”

We’ve all heard of ’em… THE BOSS FROM HELL! Screaming and yelling in an open office environment, placing unrealistic expectations on employees, taking credit for the success and accomplishments of others, constant criticism and denigration of employees, working employees until all hours of the night, lack of appreciation. The list of goes on and on.

Perhaps you’ve had one in the past. Perhaps you’re dealing with one now. Regardless of your current situation, bosses are a part of life, and if you’re lucky enough to have a great one, GREAT FOR YOU! If you are like the majority of the population who hate their bosses, “welcome to the club,” as they say.

#YOLO: The Modern Day Bailout?

On yesterday’s weekly parenting segment for Global TV, I talked about the expression #YOLO: A term most often used by the younger generation, AKA “You Only Live Once.”

I encourage you to watch it, and then I ask you the ON THE FENCE question of the day: Is the term YOLO (You Only Live Once) teaching our kids to live in the moment and enjoy life, or is it encouraging our kids to throw in the towel on smart decision making? Is YOLO giving our kids an excuse to act “stupid” and irresponsible?

Wordless Wednesday: #JuicingFail

So yesterday, I held myself accountable to my ONE New Year’s resolution – which was to become more domesticated. Please refrain from laughter. While you might already be Miss Martha Stewart in action, I am not. After doing my first-ever “Brazilian Body” class at the gym, I felt motivated. So I walked into the grocery store across the street and decided I was going to make my own green juice. You know, cuz it looks idiot-proof. And why should I keep buying the juices when I can make my own? How hard can it be to throw 5 veggies in a juicer? I found a recipe online from a reliable source, and I was ready to go.
And things looked so promising. Kale, parsley, lime, apples, cucumbers. The “healthy complexion” juice.

Disney’s Magic

With Spring Break around the corner, there is no better time than now to start thinking about making your children’s dreams come true. I have been lucky enough to have saved up and visited both Disneyland in California and Disney World in Orlando. The trips were a dream come true for parents and kids. Both were absolutely magical.

Erica Diamond Interviews Jazz Pop Music Phenom Nikki Yanofsky

I recently sat down with jazz pop sensation Nikki Yanofsky, and what I discovered was a cool, bright, articulate and grounded young woman who knows what she wants, is doing what she loves, and is chasing her passion with fierce determination. This ain’t no woman on the fence! She’s a natural born singer, and we get a little taste of that in this interview. And yes, I got her to sing for us!

Here is the full Global TV interview, so if you enjoy Nikki Yanofsky, there’re lots of Nikki here to enjoy.

14 Happiness Boosters To Incorporate Into Your Life

Blue Monday (considered the “Most Depressing Day of the Year”) was last Monday. Most of our New Year’s resolutions have run dry, and we find ourselves back to square one. Many also experience the holiday spending hangover – the visa bill is now in. We are smack in the middle of winter, with its end nowhere in sight. People are walking around in a rut.

This morning on this week’s Global TV segment, I shared some happiness boosters to incorporate into your life. Our segment was cut short due to an interview afterward with Canada’s beloved golfer Graham DeLaet, so I have given you more below.

On The Fence About Old Spice

I’m not sure if you’ve seen the new Old Spice commercial. There’s been lots of controversy over this new “Momsong” commercial. It has boys creeped out. It has moms laughing (but secretly identifying). I read a headline that went like this, “The new Momsong ad turns moms from ‘caring to creepy’.”

If you haven’t seen it, watch for yourself. If you’re a mom, I dare you not to laugh.

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