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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Tuesday’s Tech Tidbits

After spending the past two days with my mom attending the Oprah Lifeclass Tour (which I will tell you all about tomorrow), this absolutely made me chuckle. My mom’s friend forwarded it to her this morning. It’s nothing about being on the fence, and perhaps it’s less than inspirational, but laughter is the best medicine, and I think somehow, in this tech age we live in, we can all relate. 😉

Wisdom Wednesday: The Root To Success

There once was a tree that produced an abundant supply of fruit.
Everyone marveled at its ability to produce a record harvest each year.
The owner who sold his fruit at the local market had become one of the wealthiest men in town and he was the envy of all who knew him.

Pucks, Parties and Passover, Oh My!

As you are reading this blog, I am in the car en-route to Hull, Quebec, a small town 2-hours west of Montreal, population 116,000. Why, you might ask? Well, if you follow this blog, you know that hockey is a BIG part of our life. And, I’m proud to tell you that last weekend, my son’s team won the Coupe de Montreal (Montreal Cup). It was a pretty big deal, and very exciting. And now, we are off to the regionals. Somebody hold me.

Tips for Co-Parenting after Divorce

As a divorce lawyer, I see people on a daily basis dealing with the aftermath of separation and divorce. In those cases where the couple has children, the unavoidable reality is that the children are likely to experience much more emotional turmoil and anxiety than the parents anticipate.

So Lucky To B Me – Inspiration On Your Back

We’re back with another one of my favorite things! If you like the Women On The Fence brand, then you will love these inspirational tees, called So Lucky To B Me. I have been wearing them the past few months and I LOVE them! I have them in black and white, they fit incredibly well, and they have a beautiful message too.

22 Life Lessons and Tips for Living

Today is April Fool’s Day, so Happy April Fool’s to you! Today is also my father’s 65th birthday. On this joke of a day, it’s no joke that I am who I am, in large part because of him.

I posted about my dad once before on Father’s Day. But today, I’m reposting that post for my new readers.

For those readers who actually know my dad, know he’s a man you instantly fall in love with. He is a man of his word, a man with a kind spirit, and a true inspiration to me. This is not to sound cocky, but there is nowhere that I don’t go, where I don’t hear, “You’re so-and-so’s daughter? Your dad is such a great guy, ” or “I love him. What a warm and genuine person.” Lucky me.

Fifty Shades of Grey: “Mommy Porn” Taking The World By Storm

Alright, if you haven’t yet heard about the book Fifty Shades of Grey, you just might be in the minority. Fifty Shades of Grey is a new novel to not yet hit bookstores. Yes, you can only buy this erotic novel, frequently described at “mommy porn,” if you own an iPad, Kindle, Kobo, Nook, e-reader. It is supposed to be coming out in hard copy in April.

EXCLUSIVE: Erica Diamond DOVE Ambassador: Win a Trip to Canyon Ranch Resort, Arizona with Erica!

I have been waiting to share some great news with you. And it’s great because, it involves YOU, my fabulous readers!

You know that working with Brands is a big part of what I do. And when I align myself with one, it has to be the perfect fit. I have to share the vision. I have to believe in the vision. Otherwise, I won’t put my name behind it.

But today, I am proud to announce my alliance with Dove® on their “Nourish Your Mind, Body and Soul Campaign” and I am inviting you to come along with me to Canyon Ranch!!!! Yes you heard right! Canyon Ranch ladies. End of May. Arizona.

Why I jumped at the chance to work with Dove, is their message to women. Dove® is committed to helping all women realize their personal beauty potential. Dove® believes that beauty should be for everyone, and that every woman deserves to look and feel her very best. When I first saw their self-esteem campaign, I knew I wanted to work with them. Watch this.

Avoiding The “Incompetent Princess Syndrome”

I was living the dream: a six-figure income, beach vacations, plenty of time off to cultivate my hobbies, and a growing savings account, all before I was 25.

And then we got divorced, and I woke up to the fact that half of us had no job security, no career trajectory, no savings, and basically no idea. Yes, you guessed it. My half. I had never so much as opened a bank account by myself.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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