Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care this fall, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance?

Take Erica's FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care this fall, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

21 Ways To Spring Clean Your Mind, Body and Life

Whenever March rolls around (Hilly’s 50th birthday this year), and then into April (my birthday), I always know it’s time for me to take stock of my life. It’s the time I start sweeping out the cobwebs; literally and figuratively. Winter’s snow starts to melt away, and all the things you have been ignoring in your life, start to present themselves again. Aaah, I forgot about you! Spring (now upon us even though there’s snow on the ground in Montreal), is a great time to deal with these things head-on. And that’s not a bad thing– spring is about rebirth, renewal, regeneration.

If you’re like most of the population who is walking around not living at their optimum, there’s no better time than now, springtime, to internally and externally cleanse and rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit. Heck, I even brought back my very popular spring clean your life Self-Care Masterclass because it is so timely (thousands of women have taken this masterclass and you should too!)

With the fast-paced society we live in, we even eat fast too – fast food, canned foods, processed foods. Why? It’s easy and quick. Why buy fresh corn on the cob and waste time boiling it, when you can just pop open a can of corn and serve it no time? Right? Wrong! And I will tell you, that although you may not see immediate results in treating your mind and body well, the long term results are astounding.

What dust-balls are lurking in the corner in your life?? Time to clean up, ladies!

As we spring clean our LIVES, here are 21 things you can do TODAY to help calm your mind, body, physical space, and relationships. These are 21 things that I have done almost daily, for most of my life, and have helped keep me off any medication, have kept my weight in check, my relationships in order, and my house a comfortable place to live.

photo credit: Pinterest

At the end, I’d love to hear what keeps your mind decluttered and stress-free.

1. Start your day with a tall glass of lemon water. It’s a great way to flush out toxins, prevent diseases and assist in cleansing your system from impurities. Just do it. You’ll notice a difference in your skin, your body and your insides will thank you.

2. Plan your entire week on Sundays, as well as your next day on the evening prior. This can even be done in bed, by glancing at your calendar. Waking up to a surprise TO-DO list with unexpected tasks you forgot about, can be very unnerving. A simple 5-10 minutes to plan your next day or week has helped in every way. If I see my week is looking too full, I see what I can reschedule for a quieter time.

3. I make sure 85% of my commitments are NECESSARY COMMITMENTS. That means, I have started eliminating unnecessary commitments from my schedule. And it feels like the weight of the world has been lifted. Practice the art of saying “no” to the things that don’t bring you happiness and fulfillment. If you’re at your human pretzel threshold, well, that won’t serve you very well. Drop what’s not absolutely necessary. You’ll get over it, and maybe next “semester” will have the time.

4. Do a check-in with those you love on a daily basis if possible, if not, every second day. That means those relationships closest to you… partner, children, parents. I “check in” with my kids every single night before bed…. is something bothering them that day, did anything great happen that they wanted to share, did they learn something new? I try and do the same with my husband… although he has a tendency to be less verbal than me, lol! 😉

5. Create a harmonious workspace. This means, at the end of EVERY day, take the time to clean up your office, your desk, so it greets your CALMLY the next morning.

Photo credit: Pinterest

6. EXERCISE – walk, run, bike, cycle, hike, spin, yoga, pilates, strength train, swim, HIIT. Commit to being physically active at least 3 times a week, for one hour. If I only have a little bit of time to work out, I walk for 30 minutes, do 20 push-ups, 20 dips, and five 2-minute plank intervals. That’s all. It takes me about 35 minutes. I feel like a million bucks.

Or I practice yoga.

yoga for stress, yoga poses for calm, yoga for wellness

Ready to try yoga? I’ve for a great little 10-minute class to change the energy in your body! Spring is a beautiful time to try yoga and start feeling empowered.

7. I prepare my snacks for the week on Sundays… I cut up vegetables in containers. I cut up fruit in containers. I make sure I have nuts, yogurt, hummus, cheese, almond butter, everything accessible and CUT UP. This makes it easier when I’m hungry and want to grab junk snacks.

8. Which leads us to… Dejunk your fridge and pantry. Just STOP buying crap for your house.  I don’t buy diet soda, I don’t buy any chocolate, rarely buy ice cream. Yes, I buy a few of the “healthier” cookies and some chips, but overall, my house is healthy. I let cheats be OUT OF THE HOUSE. I don’t let cheats be PART of the house. Junk food will kill you. I swear it.

9. Schedule time for your girlfriends. Once a month… commit to lunch, coffee, dinner with one friend, or five. Your girlfriends are necessary parts of your existence… make time for them and stop making excuses. It’s like the gym… you don’t think you have the time, but you’re never sorry after you go.

10. Soak in a nightly bath (with essential oils) and make a cup of herbal tea. After my kids go to bed, even before my husband gets my attention, I take 45 minutes to myself almost nightly. I take a NIGHTLY HOT BATH, with my Bliss Essential oils, and finish with a warm soothing cup of organic detox tea. It sets my mood for the evening and helps calm and sooth me. It’s my daily MUST-DO.

11. Stop procrastinating. NO more excuses. BUDGET YOUR TIME. Use a calendar. Don’t leave things ’til the last minute. Keep your inbox clean and updated. Stop letting things pile up. Commit to taking an afternoon in the next week, and CLEAN HOUSE.

12. Volunteer. Just volunteer. When you can. If you don’t have a lot of free time, don’t put a rigid schedule to it. Find something meaningful, such as meals on wheels, or helping out at your local SPCA, or local library, or where you can call at the last minute and help out. Helping someone in need is absolutely rewarding- for others and for yourself.

13. Get 20 minutes of fresh air outside, 7 DAYS A WEEK, 365 days a year. NO EXCUSES. I walk outside in the winter. I sit on my deck and let the vitamin D soak on my skin. A person needs OUT. If you work in an office all day, keep those running shoes handy at lunchtime, and head out for a power walk.

14. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. Part of what made my first business successful, and this blog well received, is because I NEVER TRIED KEEPING UP WITH ANYONE OTHER THAN MYSELF AND MY OWN PERSONAL BEST. I am simply always trying to do better than MYSELF, not better than anyone else. That goes for your life. Just focus on your own journey. No one has everything, so stop comparing yourself to others. Please.

15. Plan outfits, lunches, meals the night before. My kids lunches were always made the night before. Growing up, we even laid out their clothes the night before (a must if you have picky dressers). The frenetic mornings are much easier when all we have to do is get up, brush our teeth, eat breafast, and go to school. The boys showered the night before as well. We simply grab their lunch from the fridge and we’re out the door. Starting the day off at a hectic pace, doing everything from scratch, doesn’t set the tone for a calm day.

16. ROMANCE. Make time. Reconnect with your partner. Call grandparents or friends a few times a year to take your children and have A STAYCATION with your partner- that means your vacation with your partner takes place at home! Make a yummy dinner by candlelight. Regroup. Sleep in. Pamper each other. Be good to each other. This costs nothing. It only costs the gas to deliver your kids to the neighbor’s, grandparents or friends. Do it. Trust me.

photo credit: Pixabay

17. When guilt creeps up, shoe it away. You are a woman who deserves to feel healthy, fulfilled and happy. When we run from task to task, taking zero downtown to regroup, we burn out. This is a fact, and it happened to me in 2002. Find the happy medium between giving to those around you, and learning to be still within yourself. That means taking the necessary ‘me-time’ and self-care you need to regroup, and NOT FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT. You are entitled to thrive in all your roles, so taking time for yourself is both necessary and vital to your overall health, and mental well-being.

self-care isn't selfish

18. Learn to love music. Save up for a bluetooth speaker that lets you play your music, loudly! Do the dishes to music, fold the laundry to music… any kind of music… the music that you love… calm soothing music, R&B, hip-hop, or heavy metal! I can give you a list from here to China about the physiological benefits of music and what it does for your serotonin levels and mood. Clean the house to music. Lie in bed and have SEX to music. Music is part of my daily life and I would be dead without it. Here’s my playlist!

19. Live in the moment. When you focus on the here and now, you will feel calmer. It’s a simple but powerful concept. My worries or fears only set in once my mind wanders to other moments other than the present. It takes practice, but it works. Opt to try meditation if you struggle with this. There are lots of great apps and podcasts that will guide you down this path. I recently shared my favorite meditation teachers – they are life-changing for present-moment living.

20. SIMPLIFY. Everything. That means simplify things such as online banking. Instead of spending money on a dinner out, hire a cleaning lady to help you instead. Reduce your spending, therefore reducing any debt. Invest in ways to SIMPLIFY your life. You will feel free, and much less weighted down. Many of us thrive in chaos (doesn’t serve, friends). Practice changing your ways…. keep reminding yourself the word SIMPLIFY. Simplification brings peace.

21. Read, as often as you can. A book. A magazine. A newspaper. A romance novel. But just read. Commit to reading. On certain days, read something that educates you, on other days, read something that takes your mind away for an hour. But reading is life-changing.

I would love to hear how you have uncluttered your mind, body, spirit, relationships and home.

And if you are ready to Spring Clean Your Life, I’d love to personally invite you to join me inside BUSY TO BLISS: The Self-Care Membership Community.

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Erica Diamond


Teaching women how to prioritize SELF-CARE, Erica Diamond is a Certified Life Coach and Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Lifestyle and Parenting Correspondent on Global TV, Founder of Bliss Essential (, Professional Speaker, Host of The Erica Diamond Podcast, Course Creator of Busy To Bliss (, Author of the women’s entrepreneurial book 99 Things Women Wish They Knew Before Starting Their Own Business, and Founder & Editor-In-Chief of the Award-Winning Lifestyle Platform® (previously®). Erica Diamond has been named to the coveted list of The Top 20 Women in Canada, FORBES Magazine’s Top 100 Sites for Women and a Profit Hot 50 Canadian Company. Erica Diamond was the Spokesperson for National Entrepreneurship Day and is a Huffington Post contributor.

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  2. I have used your 21 pearls of wisdom & wrote just the headers…& intend to put them in a bookmark format so I always have them in front of me or can place in a mirror
    Hope you get this

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