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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

The Rat Wheel and 7 Signs That You’re Caught In It, Baby

“I observe that many people seek happiness “out there”. They imagine it will come to them if they get a raise, a new car, a new lover, or something else they want but do not have. My own experience, repeated many times, is that the actual reward of getting and having, is usually much less than the one imagined.” Dr. Andrew Weil

Today is ‘Pink Shirt Day’ in honor of ‘National Anti-Bullying Day’: Warning Signs and Prevention

“Every seven seconds in Canada, a child is bullied. This alarming statistic fuels the passion behind the 5th annual anti-bullying campaign Pink Shirt Day – Bullying Stops Here!”

I am certain most of you have heard of the dramatic increase in teenage suicides over the past few years. A horrific number. In Houston , Texas an eighth-grade 13 year old boy shot himself in the head after enduring what his mother and stepfather say was consistent harassment from four other students at Hamilton Middle School in the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District.

Reflections of a Week in Colorado

Hello there! We’re back from a blissful week of skiing in Colorado with the kids. And what a week it was. Heaven with a few interesting stories. 😉

The truth is, my husband is a ridiculously awesome skier. I’m just average. But we have sacrificed our love of skiing for another sport called HOCKEY. Because of this, we barely ski. So when the kids were off last week on winter break, we decided to try something new… a ski vacation!

Wordless Wednesday: Hello from Beaver Creek, Colorado

I wanted to check in from a little slice of heaven. We gave the boys a little treat and brought them for a ski getaway. So far, so perfect. Lots of stories, lots of lessons.

I’ll be back next week, but here is our family enjoying Beaver Creek.

Bloggin’ Break

It’s that time of year again- next week, my boys have their February school winter break, and that means full-blown family time. And because family comes first before all else, I’ll be taking a blogging break for a week and giving my kids my undivided love, attention and energy.

I AM known to check in once or twice, so, check back if you will, will ya?

7 Ways To Keep The Passion Alive This Valentine’s Day

I’m a sap. I’m a sucker. I’m a hopeless romantic. Yup. I’m all those things when it comes to love and Valentine’s Day. After almost TWENTY YEARS with with my man, (wow I feel old), even on the days I contemplate murder, I can honestly say, we always make the time for passion in our marriage. But even couples in love need to change things up sometimes. Need a little spice. Need a little help to keep the plug sparked and charged.

R.I.P. Whitney Houston 1963-2012

If you follow this blog, you know that I take the weekends off to rest my head in order to come back refueled for the week with fresh content. But I had to acknowledge the death of one of my music idols, Whitney Houston. The year was 1986 when my parents took me to see Whitney Houston. It was the second concert I had ever attended (second to Michael Jackson). We sat second row center. I remember it like yesterday. When Whitney threw me some of her autographed photos, I felt like the luckiest little girl in the world. I still have them today.

Trading a Career for Mommyhood: 5 Power Tips

I used to think I had the life. I was a Fashion Director for a national magazine, had private drivers, hair and spa treatments that were paid for, a closet full of designer shoes, front row seats to New York’s Fashion Week, celebrity filled parties and a pay check to match.

But, although from the outside my life seemed exciting and glamorous, it was filled with anxiety, stress, sleepless nights, and a constant need to prove myself to a group of people I cared little about. I knew deep down that this was not the path I was put on this earth to travel and I continually lived in angst trying to figure it all out.

What Every Woman Should Have…

enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own even if she never wants
to or needs to…

something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her
dreams wants to see her in an hour…

Why Madonna Didn’t Stand A Chance

I love Madonna. I have loved Madonna from the moment she burst onto the scene in fishnet stockings, too much hairspray and a bad die job.

If my Ipod playlist isn’t enough proof, frankly, I don’t know what it.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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