Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, avoid burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & joy in 2024?

BUSY TO BLISS: The Coaching Experience: A Private Membership Community Dedicated To Transformative Self-Care For Busy Modern Women With Real Life Schedules

Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, avoid burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & joy in 2024?

BUSY TO BLISS: The Coaching Experience: A Private Membership Community Dedicated To Transformative Self-Care For Busy Modern Women With Real Life Schedules


How To Stay Healthy During The Winter Months

It’s December. December, people!! When did THAT happen?

Beside beautiful falling snow, winter often brings something entirely different — flu season! In fact, my family’s skin has already faded from golden brown (summer lovin’) to pale white to green-like. My boys have started their first runny noses, and you can feel the winter chill in the air fast approaching. We slacked off with our health regime all summer long, because we had the benefits of natural sunlight, the great outdoors, and we ate a ton of fruit. However, with a bunch of kids packed into close quarters at school, for hours on end, it’s only a matter of time before everyone is sick again.

Healthsgiving: Recipes for a Healthy Thanksgiving

This year, it’s a different kind of Thanksgiving as we know it. Small to immediate family gatherings, due to a pandemic, of course. But the show will go on. You don’t have to deep fry your turkey or use four packs of butter in your “mashed taters” to have a great, tasty Thanksgiving.

Here are some healthy alternatives to help make your Thanksgiving a Healthsgiving this week:

4 Ways To Help Fight Stress and Anxiety on #StressAwarenessDay

It’s fun to watch this old Global TV segment when I was just a new yoga instructor, and I brought it back today in honor of International Stress Awareness Day!

As a Certified Life Coach and Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher, I’m most interested in yoga for stress and anxiety. In this video, I shared four yoga poses that are proven to reduce anxiety and stress. They are for a zen mommy, but really, they are for everyone. I hope you try them. Speak to your doctor first. They help me.

And for your reference, I wrote the yoga poses out for you if you want to try them at home.

How To Meditate in 9 Simple Steps #StressAwarenessWeek

Today feels like a heavy day in America, and I think we could all use a moment to breathe. It’s also International #StressAwarenessWeek, so literally, the perfect day to talk about breathing.

First, I’d like to ask you. When you think about meditation, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Boring? Too woo woo? I can’t sit still? I’m not into it?

Well, let me ask you another few questions: Do you feel overwhelmed these days? Do you ever feel stressed out? Are you short-tempered lately? Has the pandemic sucked some of the daily joy out of your life? Does life seem a lot like groundhog day? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should meditate.

In fact, EVERYONE should meditate.

Our Thoughts Are Energy

We are living through really challenging times, and I’m seeing it becoming increasingly more challenging…

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

Join my NEW, FREE & LIVE time management and productivity workshop.

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