Wondering how to get started with self-care if you have somehow fallen to the bottom of your priority list?
If so, this one’s for you.
I spoke in the fall at the Optimize Your Health Summit. One of the things I shared was ways anyone can get started on self-care if they notice their body starting to whisper (or yell at them), that something’s not working (and has gotta change).
It has to do with the 5 pillars of self-care and well-being.
- What you EAT
- How you MOVE
- How you SLEEP
I challenge you to grab a pen and paper and do the following:
Write down ONE WAY you can improve how you’re doing in each of the pillars.
I’ll start you off with an example. For #1, what you EAT, you could write: cut up fresh fruit and vegetables into a Tupperware on Sundays so I have healthy snack options READILY AVAILABLE for the upcoming week.
Catch my drift?
Write one item for all 5 pillars.
Start small.
Pick one pillar and its item to work on. See how you feel. Working? Feeling better? Keep it, and habit-stack and move onto your next pillar.
Remember, it takes about 21 days to form a habit and 66 days up to approximately 6 months for it to become more automatic. Small movements forward create momentum which is the secret to big transformation.
I also shared in my talk that self-care ain’t all bubble baths and spa days. Although we loves those, it’s about examining our scarcity mindset and limiting beliefs and challenging them (one limiting belief at a time), os that we can move into an abundance mindset. Self-care is about creating boundaries and non-negotiables and protecting them when it’s often easier to just be the YES girl. Self-care is knowing when to break up with that toxic friend, or taking a deep-dive into our finances and deciding to make a change.
Self-care is EVERYTHING to a thriving life- both personally and professionally.
I always say that I can tell how abundant, energetic or creative a person is based on how they’re doing in my 5 pillars.
I hope you try the self-care exercise above, and please DM me if you do!
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