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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Month: December 2017

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Truth? I’m sitting right now with one of my besties and said to her, “How should I close the year? What should I write about today?”

And she proceeded to tell me about an article she was reading recently on the “unpleasable generation.” The article discussed how over-parenting is making our kids unpleasable. Restless. Even depressed and anxious. With technology at our fingertips to give us quick answers, with parents giving in to their kids’ every whim trying to keep them happy, combined with mom hovering to make sure Johnny handed in that assignment, or worse, call the teacher to see what can be done with that poor grade, our children aren’t building their resilience muscle. They are actually becoming anxious and depressed in the process. When they aren’t given the chance to fail or try new things, they become lazy, unpleasable.

So, my bestie and I decided, instead of sitting here today and contemplating our New Years resolutions and how we make next year better, why don’t we take time to focus on what we DO have, and how we can build on that. Can we focus on being PLEASABLE? And not just for our kids, but us too.

#GetOffTheFence Challenge Day 7

If you’re just joining us today, my 7-day life coaching challenge/homework has been daily exercises to help get you off the fence in 2018. If you’re late to the game, you can still do the challenge, just start from day 1 on our blog, and proceed daily.

Day  7 – Create your own vision board or dreamboard

Today’s final challenge is an activity! It is called vision boarding or dreamboarding.


It’s a powerful visualization tool representing your goals and dreams by pictures and inspirational phrases. This is where you actually create visual imagery of what you want it your life on a bristol board or virtual board (I love

#GetOffTheFence Challenge Day 6

Day 6 – Book yourself at an upcoming networking event

Book yourself at an upcoming event (networking, conference or other, in your city or another). Yes, I’m serious. Commit to being open-minded and getting out there and meeting new people. Meeting new people solely for the purpose of — once you know your goal for the new year, the law of attraction can help you meet random people in random places. But, it’s not so random. You see, once you’re crystal clear about what you want, you will attract those people you need who will help propel you closer to your goals. Yes it’s real, and it’s spectacular. ?

That’s today’s challenge. An interesting one. Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

#GetOffTheFence Challenge Day 5

Day 5 – Write down 3 action plans that you will execute each consecutive week starting January 1st, 2018

These action plans will propel you forward in the goal you selected on Day 2 of our challenge. They will roll out one at a time starting January 1st and will carry you through the first 3 weeks of January. Example, if your goal is to find a new job in the new year, Week 1 action plan: Fix up your CV. Week 2: Research 10 new potential employers. Week 3: Reach out to 5 new potential employers to solidify interviews. You catch the idea.

That’s today’s challenge. It’s a big one.

#GetOffTheFence Challenge Day 4

Day 4: Do one thing out of your comfort zone today

Day 4 – You’re still digesting the 3 blocked areas from yesterday, so while that’s marinading, today is the ‘out of your comfort zone’ challenge day!

Your homework is simple yet challenging: Do one thing out of your comfort zone today. It can be something as simple as going to a yoga class this afternoon if you’ve never done yoga, to something bigger. Something perhaps you’ve wanted to do, but have been putting off. In the words of NIKE, Just Do It. I encourage you to Google activities out of your comfort zone if you can’t think of any. Going out of our comfort zone challenges and awakens you in more ways than you can imagine.

That’s today’s challenge. It’s a FUN one!

#GetOffTheFence Challenge Day 3

Day 3 – You’ve narrowed things down to ONE goal to focus on for the New Year. Today, write down 3 things blocking you from attaining your goal. Expand as much as possible. Doing this will help bring the situation to life- and actually, perhaps, you might realize you are not as stuck as you think. When you write about the blocks, that begins the unblocking process.

Examine belief systems holding you back from achieving your goal. Things like “I’m not good enough. Unlovable. Not deserving…”

When we awaken ourselves to what is blocking our path, we begin to build a roadmap through.

#GetOffTheFence Challenge Day 2

So, how did yesterday go? Did you come up with 3?

Follow all week for my daily life coaching challenge/homework to begin getting off the fence. If you’re late to the game, just start from day 1 and proceed daily.

Let’s recap day 1.

Day 1 – Write down 3 areas you’re stuck

(Example: you’re currently in a job you dislike, you want to lose weight, get your finances in order, you want to fix your marriage, be a better parent, find more me-time, stop smoking, etc)…

The 7-Day #GetOffTheFence Challenge is Here! Join Me!

The 7-Day #GetOffTheFence 2018 Challenge STARTS NOW!

You might remember that I launched a movement a few years ago to inspire men, women and children globally to GET OFF THE FENCE! We launched our free app, it was a call to action to inspire you to get off the fence, get unstuck, and thrive.

Since I have made it my life’s mission over the past eight years to inspire women to get off the fence and unstuck, I’m super excited to launch our 7 day #GetOffTheFence Challenge!

It’s simple to participate!

Follow me on Instagram or subscribe to this blog and follow the daily life coaching homework to begin getting off the fence. The challenge will go 7 days long.

Steve Jobs Hired Me. I Said, No.

As you’ve probably heard, if you have not yet experienced it yourself, it’s not easy to power UP as a committed parent in the United States, where business and culture are so invested in rapid growth. It’s even harder in Silicon Valley, where every company is in a race to ship first and where, in large part, men with spouses who take the domestic lead, if not the entire burden, still write the rules of professional engagement.

One time I was about to be interviewed for a live technology news broadcast. It was minutes before we went on the air, and the reporter and I were seated in our chairs next to each other. The reporter noticed me jotting things down on a small notepad and asked if I was preparing my answers, reminding me that I could not read anything off my pad while filming. I showed him what I was writing. When he saw it he laughed. “I’ve never had anyone about to go on live TV writing their grocery list!” he said.

Maybe I was the first working mother he had as a guest. “It’s my next stop after your show,” I said. “When else am I going to write it?”

How To Help Your Teen De-Stress and Turn Down the Academic Heat During Exam Period

On this morning’s Global TV segment, I spoke all about upcoming December exams and shared tips and tactics on how to help our kids de-stress and thrive during this overwhelming period.
We are dealing with this now in our home as my 9th grader starts exams in two weeks. I have been taking my own advice, and guiding him to avoid cramming, start backward planning, and learn proper stress management tools. We’re a work in progress.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

Join my FREE time management and productivity workshop!

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