Day 7 of the 7-Day #GetOffTheFence Challenge is finally here!
Congrats, you made it!
If you’re just joining us today, my 7-day life coaching challenge/homework has been daily exercises to help get you off the fence in 2018. If you’re late to the game, you can still do the challenge, just start from day 1 on our blog, and proceed daily.
Day 7 – Create your own vision board or dreamboard
Today’s final challenge is an activity! It is called vision boarding or dreamboarding.
It’s a powerful visualization tool representing your goals and dreams by pictures and inspirational phrases. This is where you actually create visual imagery of what you want it your life on a bristol board or virtual board (I love

If you are considering making a non-virtual vision board to post in your space in 2018, here are my tips:
- Buy a bristol board or poster board – any color works. Also buy yourself a box of markers and a glue stick.
- This is the fun part! Start browsing through magazines and newspapers and cut out images and pictures that symbolize your goals and dreams. Feel free to print images or words from the Internet as well. Keep them all in a folder as you collect. This is YOUR dream board, so any images, any words, anything goes.
- Don’t be shy to put in pictures of yourself. This is your board – you could / should be present in it.
- I like to have one sentence – the overall, big picture dream written out in the middle, or at the top. In essence, the big vision for your vision board. Think, WHAT DO I WANT?
- Once you have collected all your images, place them on the board. Feel free to organize the board in THEMES, eg, health, romance, career, money, family, etc…
- Grab that glue stick, and start making your dreams permanent on paper. You’re now putting it out there! Start gluing!
- Now it’s time to PLACE your vision board! This is key to your success. It has to be VISIBLE– a place you physically go to frequently– your office, your den, your kitchen are all great choices. Don’t laugh, you can even hang it in your bathroom– something to glance at while you take a nice relaxing bath. It is important to keep the area around your vision board clean, and clutter-free.
- Congratulations, you made it, it’s ready to post to your wall! Now, you have to LIVE IT in 2018! Visit your vision board frequently, at least twice per week. Look at all your images, your words. What are you doing to make them come to fruition? The good news is, you have a 3-week action plan for January (from Day 5), so that’s great. And remember, visualization is just as important as action.
That’s our final challenge. It’s labor intensive, but will serve as great inspiration and help hold you accountable to your goals.
And again, one random winner of the challenge will be announced on Instagram @EricaBDiamond in my story TOMORROW and get a FREE life coaching session with me in 2018 to kick the year off right and stay on track with your goals.
To enter today:
1. Follow me @EricaBDiamond
2. Like the daily challenge image, and let us know you’re participating in a comment below. A follow, a comment AND a like puts you in the pot for the most entries.
That’s it! You made it! Congrats on having a plan to get off the fence in 2018!
Lots of love,