Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

Take Erica's FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Five Signs You Are Getting Burnt Out At Work

It is better to prevent burnout at work than to treat it after it happens. Once someone enters this dull routine from which one only craves to escape, it requires serious involvement and sometimes psychological treatment.

But is there a way to prevent burnout without experiencing and treating it? The answer is yes!

What you need to do is to pay attention to the following signs that put you in the risk group to burn out at work:

How To Get Your Marriage To Sizzle For Valentine’s Day And Beyond!

Happy almost Valentine’s Day!

I like how relationship expert Colleen Long uses the “chocolate/broccoli” analogy. Our long term, loving, secure relationships are the “broccoli.” They are the things that, if we stay committed to, consistently over time grow us up. They make us healthier, more evolved, more balanced, well-rounded individuals. However, chocolate comes along in life (just like opportunities for affairs) and tempts us with ideas like “How wonderful would life be if I could just eat chocolate all the time?” or “This must be the thing I was meant to eat all my life.”

But we all know that no good can come of a long term diet consisting of only chocolate.

Barbie Has a New Body #TheDollEvolves

On this morning’s Global TV parenting segment, I discussed a very trending topic – #CurvyBarbie. Yes, Barbie has a new body, and it has most moms celebrating, a few skeptics, and others who simply don’t care.

Does Serendipity Exist or is it Tenacity in Disguise?

For years, I have been clinging to the sage words of one of my writing teachers, repeating them both aloud and internally, like a sacred mantra. Writing, he told me, is 10 percent talent, and 90 percent tenacity. That is likely true of most things in life. Whether searching for a literary agent, a publisher, a dream job, a relationship, persistence is clearly the way to success.

Somewhere in that equation though, I wonder if a certain percentage should be assigned to serendipity, that fortunate happenstance that surprises and delights. Serendipity, it would seem, was working for me recently when a new business acquaintance of mine was headed to New York City from his home in Vermont.


This past holiday season, LE CHÂTEAU honored the spirit of gift giving with a pledge of much needed clothing and footwear to local charities. From December 26th to 31st, every dollar sold at any LE CHÂTEAU Outlet stores across Montreal, as well as from the LE CHÂTEAU Outlet website, the Company would donate an equal amount of clothing, shoes and accessories to charitable organizations in Canada.

Organizations who would benefit from this initiative were the West Island Women’s Shelter, Le Chaînon, La Maison Bleue, as well as those in need at AJOI, Dans la Rue, Sun Youth and The Old Brewery Mission, SIC (Service d’Intégration à la Collectivité) and the United Way. These organizations are well known for the range of programs they offer to get people on the path to security and independence. For many, these organizations are a safe haven and the support offered by them is essential to their well-being.

6 Hot Parenting Trends To Look Out For in 2016

I enjoyed this morning’s Global TV segment, as we chatted trends, and what recent surveys say will be hot parenting trends to look out for in 2016.
Helicopter parenting– in or out?

Eating for two while pregnant– in or out?

Tune in…

Discipline Without Damage: How To Get Your Your Kids To Behave Without Messing Them Up

I am a mom. And a psychologist who works with children and parents. Talk about an occupational hazard! But it is through wearing these two hats that I live the science of child development. I have the amazing privilege in my every day life of seeing the growth of my two boys and also the growth of my client families. Sadly, alongside that, I have also seen the heartbreak of discipline that is not aligned with contemporary theory and science.

One of a child’s most foundational needs is that of relational connection. And yet, our dominant culture is consumed with approaches to discipline – time outs, rewards charts, and consequences to name a few –that sell out on this need, probably because on the outside such approaches appear to work in stopping the behavior. But this comes at a cost – our children’s healthy development.

12-Month Ultimate Wedding Planning Checklist

A big congratulation if you’re the owner of a brand spanking’ sparkly new engagement ring!

Wedding planning is very exciting but there are times when it can be incredibly stressful as well which is why a handy wedding checklist will be the thing you turn to again and again.

In today’s post, I give you a step-by-step wedding checklist to help you keep on top of everything. It’s based on a 12 month period, but it will give you a really good idea of what to do and when.

It’s time to GET OFF THE FENCE and plan your wedding!

Get ready to Thrive in ’25!

Feel energized and focused. Calm, yet unstoppable—no matter what life throws your way. Aligned with your goals AND your self-care.

Thrive in '