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So it’s almost 2020. Maybe you’ve decided that you’re going to get off the fence and contribute to your world and your household income in a new kind of way. Maybe you need to contribute for financial reasons, maybe you have different reasons. But one thing is for certain… Mompreneurship can be big business.
I am SOO passionate about yesterday’s Global News parenting lifestyle segment!
The kids are back in school very soon. Ever dream of a side-hustle or making money working from home? Can’t think of what to do? Yesterday morning, I shared Mompreneur Side-Hustle Business Ideas for Moms.
Moms, female entrepreneurs, independence, purpose, dream chasing, making your own money. Everything I love.
Also, if you watch until the end, you’re in for a fun flashback treat!

If you’ve been following my Blog, or if you’ve even been with me since the beginning, you’ve witnessed the natural evolution. It went from hobby, a simple creative outlet for me, to a real business. My blog has brought me a book deal, a weekly tv job, speaking engagements, advertisers, coaching, women’s conferences, a new podcast, and much more. And I run this business right from my home. I bring my kids to school. I pick them up. I take them to hockey. I cook dinner for my family. I help them with their homework. I don’t miss a beat. But I’m an entrepreneurial mom — a mompreneur.
And given a mommy’s incredible multitasking ability — we can cook dinner, change a diaper and answer a phone call pretty much simultaneously…. why would we NOT be successful entrepreneurs? And as I already stated, we are BIG business – there are more than 11.6 million firms are owned by women, employing nearly 9 million people, and generating $1.7 trillion in sales as of 2017 ( In fact, women are starting businesses at almost twice the rate of men.
So the goal today (because there’s always a goal, and it’s always to get you off the fence in a different area of your life), is to open your mind up to new possibilities.
If you’re ready to change your life, to learn, to grow, to contribute, to get creative, to feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment, to make money, to meet incredible people, to go incredible places– then listen up! 2020 may be your upcoming year where YOU’LL become the next successful mompreneur.
Ladies, if you’re already a seasoned mompreneur, PLEASE share some of your tips with our budding mompreneurs. Also, if there are must-visit mompreneur websites, please share them with our readers.