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Wordless Wednesday

Words of Praise for 99 Things Women Wish They Knew Before… Starting Their Own Business

“Erica embodies one of the greatest things about women: multi-tasking. She has accomplished so much, conquering the fields of business, parenting , blogging, and also contributing to charity work. Women should draw inspiration from her and especially from this book: be bold! There is nothing you cannot do if you put your mind and heart into it.”

—– Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York

On Wanting More

Have you ever asked or prayed for something and promised yourself that if only you get through THIS, you’ll never ask for ANYTHING else again? I can recall only a few examples, but once I got through it, I prayed for something else. I did. “If only I get myself out of this mess, I’ll never want from anything else.” Yah, whatever! The pot of gold always seems just around the corner, and once we get it, we’ll never ask for anything else again. But truth is, we do ask ask. So my question to you is, why is it that as human beings we always want more (or something better) than what we currently have?? Is what we have simply not good enough? Will it ever be enough? Are we too greedy? Why does life seem like a moving target for so many?

“Having It All” and Missing So Much

Do you ever feel like you are adding to your to-do list faster than you’re crossing things off and then end up with very little time to yourself? Ever feel like your career actually fulfills you, but that you’re still missing out on so much? Or better, are you frustrated with your job, and still feel somewhat absent in your kids’ life? Welcome working moms. Welcome guilty moms. Welcome multi-tasking moms. Welcome frazzled moms. Today’s Blog post is for you.

We’re Live With The New Site!

You can also click HERE and read some great words of praise / endorsements for my upcoming book, The 99 Things Women Wish They Knew Before… Starting Their Own Business. I’m very proud and excited. Have a great day ladies! It’s 5:30AM and I am running into the shower now to get to a Sales and Marketing Conference I am giving this morning for The Women’s Entrepreneurial Network.
PS – It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that I announce that baby Layla Grace, who I wrote about last week, passed away yesterday morning. You are finally at peace, Layla.

Today I’m a Mommy Blogger

It’s funny, how things kind of all happen at once. I literally received word on the endorsements while my son was barfing. Life can be so bittersweet. And you just gotta laugh sometimes when too many things come at once. For some reason, my life has always been this way. Sorrow and grief have always come during triumphant moments. Not sure why. Maybe it’s to ground us from the triumph, or maybe it’s to show us that the darkness never stays for too long and that the light is just waiting around the corner. It’s been an interesting year. Lots of good and not so good have come all simultaneously. It challenges us to be better people, I think. And I never ignore the message. There’s always a message.

Unlocking Your Passion

Have you ever had a burning desire to do something, but never got off the fence to do it? Do you have an artistic talent that’s been hidden for a long time? Do you love to cook? Did you every wanna be the next American idol? Seriously! Today’s Blog post came to me last night when I got home from Dancing With The Stars. Yes, in Montreal, we put on our very own version each year of Dancing With The Stars, a fundraiser to benefit the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Women and men in our community are paired with professional dancers and compete just as on TV. Jean-Marc Généreux, one of the judges from So You Think You can Dance acted as one of the judges last night. It was great fun.

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