Boundaries are sexy. You heard it here. A little psych 101: If you grew up…
As we get ready to close another year, I can’t help but think about how…
It starts with the truth. Your truth. Sometimes the truth is ugly. It can be…
As a certified life coach, yoga & meditation teacher, Busy To Bliss course teacher, Global…
It’s never our situation, but rather our THOUGHTS ABOUT OUR SITUATION that is the difference…
Best mindset hack you’ll read in a long time. ? If it doesn’t connect at…
As we head into the week, especially right after daylight savings, I wanted to offer…
And when I say, “no thank you right now is, ” it doesn’t mean I won’t be interested in a couple of weeks, months, or next year. It means for today. And when I keep the door open, I feel good about that. I read somewhere once that “SAYING NO TO SOMEONE, IS SAYING YES TO YOURSELF.” Just let that soak in. It’s really true. Saying no to someone else, means saying yes to yourself. It means freeing yourself up to do more of the things you love… read a book, go for a walk, take a painting class. Whatever.
A few questions for your today:
Have you been suffering from chronic fatigue lately? Find yourself tossing and turning at night unable to shut off your brain? Feeling at a low… emotionally, physically or spiritually? Have you lost your appetite? Or are you binge eating from stress or boredom? Been looking for your mojo and can’t seem to find it anywhere?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. Many women are running on empty – and when I say empty, I mean emptier than they have been used to pre-pandemic. We are also heading into cooler months ahead, and that low-energy feeling that can accompany limited amount of daylight, just sort of sneaks up on us.
I came across this quote a few years ago in an email and I have to say, it changed me. Just imagine. Think about this concept. You are one choice away from changing your entire life’s direction. ONE CHOICE. If you reflect upon your life, you’ve come to where you are through a series of choices, no doubt. But each one of our long and windy paths started with one choice. A single choice. And if this concept seems too abstract, let me give you an example… You are on a business trip, sitting at the bar in a strange country. A man propositions you to go up to his room. Your answer at that moment, that yes or no, that ONE CHOICE, could change your life.