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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


Decisions About Someone Else’s Life

So as I pondered today’s Blog post, something about decisions and choices resonated for me. Choices and decisions we make about someone ELSE’S life. Be it a sick parent, a handicapped sibling, a child. Be it a decision a doctor makes for his patient, or a lawyer makes for his client. We often have to make choices and decision for others. How do we make the right choice?

Keeping The Balls Juggling In The Air

The work-life balance. Such an ancient topic. One we women love to vent about to whomever will listen. After dropping kids off at school and working a full day, the responsibilities still fall upon us to do the groceries, get the dry cleaning, go to Walmart, stay in touch with friends, attend a PTA meeting, prepare a tasty meal, play happy wife, happy mommy, happy employee, and all with that Mary Poppins-like smile.

Taking The Road Less Traveled

So, I ask you ladies, when your little girls sit and dream of what they want to be when they grow up, does it have to be of motherhood and husbands and picket fences? Sometimes taking the road less traveled can be just as sunny. We don’t all have to conform. And that makes all the difference.

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Off The Fence and Out Of The Closet

I was never really “on the fence” about being gay, but I was on the fence about what to do with that information, and how to deal with it. It was pretty easy to ignore for the first 13 or 14 years of my life. I was just the little girl wearing the brown sweater and slacks (as we called them back then) in the class pictures, when all the other girls were in their dresses and party shoes.


Forgiveness and Why You Shouldn’t Hold A Grudge

So as you decide if you are going to hate the husband who cheated on you, or hate your boss, or despise your friend for betraying your trust, maybe you’ll think twice before carrying around all that hate. Allow forgiveness to be part of your daily routine. Remember, we forgive to enable ourselves to heal, and not for the other person. And as a side note, for the person you wronged, it’s never too late to call them up and offer your forgiveness. It is truly the road to freedom!!

Vodka Anyone?

So, the point of my story is, if he was diagnosed with asthma, I had this afternoon all booked off for double vaccinations for the boys. Now that he’s not, I’m back on the fence. Ah, the fence. Crap!

Very cute… watch these!

Cough Etiquette Click on “Cough Etiquette” above. And click on this YouTube Link below…

A Woman’s Monthly Period– From a Male Perspective

For my very first blog post, I thought the subject of a woman’s monthly period would be an ideal subject to tackle. From the time we are little boys, through to teens, then onto adulthood, this issue arises forever, and it’s haunting! Whether it’s your mother, sister, spouse, teacher, nanny or doctor, periods are all over the place! However, to the young male mind, the concept and notion of a period is completely foreign and revolting. It’s amazing how inundated the man’s world has become because of this famous monthly period.

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