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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


Life Lessons from Women at The Top of Their Game

So, I’m still on cloud nine after an incredible weekend of learning, inspiration and empowerment in New York City. I returned home Saturday night from the WIE Symposium. WIE standing for: Women Inspiration and Enterprise. If women, business and inspiration are not FULLY up my alley, I don’t what is.

Again, here was just a TASTE of the lineup.

How To Start a Blog and Monetize It (VIDEO)

This week’s parenting segment is for mom AND all. With the kids heading back to school, there is no better time than NOW to get off the fence, dive into a new passion, possibly CAREER, and take the blogging plunge. Once again, five minutes is difficult to give you all the ins and outs, but here is blogging and monetizing in a nutshell. A crash course. The condensed version. 😉

Wondering how to start a blog and earn income from home? Here we go. Plus, there is always a first for everything, so watch my microphone crash and hit the floor on live tv. I almost died.

Hello, I’m Back!

Ladies, it’s so great to be back!! I’ve missed this community more than you can imagine. Some laugh at me, as I enjoy spending most of my days alone. But in truth, I don’t feel alone at all – I consider you my friends. I consider this community of rockstar women my tribe, my peeps.

Where shall I begin? Well, I was busier in July than I expected to be, but it was all good. I rested my blogging mind, and tried to give my undivided love and attention to the things that matter most to me… my family, my home, my body, and my wine. 😉

Returning To The Workforce After Baby: 6 Strategies and Tips

An increasing number of women are taking a few years off from their careers to have children and are then re-entering the workforce once their kids are in school. These women are called sequencing moms.

Returning to the workforce after a prolonged absence can be nerve-wracking for most. Here was this week’s Global TV segment. As always, it’s difficult to pack in all the tips into a 5 minute segment, so the full strategies are written out below.

Blogging Break

Girls, I am taking my annual month of July blogging break. I do this every year for my mental wellbeing, and for the quality of this blog. It is my gift to myself. It is not easy to continuously keep things fresh, relevant and interesting, so every July, I rest my blogging brain to come back recharged, refreshed, and ready to give you more.

5 Work-life Balance Survival Tips for Women

This week’s Global TV segment was for ALL the ladies. All of us could go the extra mile, and strive for more balance, more harmony, more calm in our lives. The root to everything happy and healthy around you, stems from you. You either radiate beauty and light, or you radiate negativity, bitterness and resentment. Working on yourself is the first step to getting off the fence and thriving in life.

Here is this week’s segment.

Missing Out

The media icon for the woman living in the 1950’s was a domesticated housewife and mother who cooked, laundered, cleaned and sewed all the while looking fashionable with a big, happy grin on her face. Fast forward to today. The media icon today in an entirely different woman. Who do you see in the latest Glamour and Vogues magazines? You see a tall, confident woman, designer clothes, wearing her role as a career woman, mother, wife and domestic goddess, with that “I can have it all” look to her. So what’s the difference between then and now? While both may be illusions of perfection, the real career woman and mom today is mostly exhausted, completely overwhelmed with the second shift at home, and struggling with guilt and stress.

Leaning In

Chances are, if you are a working woman, or have even turned on the news in the past few days, you’ve probably come across Sheryl Sandberg, COO and second in command at Facebook. She recently wrote a book called Lean In, and there has been a lot of controversy around her book. Yesterday, when Arianna Huffington asked me to contribute my voice to the Huffington Post Women’s community, I was happy to oblige. I have a STRONG opinion in this arena. Already a HuffPo contributor, this was a chance for me to either join the haters and skeptics, or Lean In, and agree with Sheryl Sandberg.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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