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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


6 Smartphone Apps For Summer Fun!

Summer is almost in the air. In Montreal, we’re seeing more sunshine, warmer temperatures, and it’s putting our city in a festive spirit. To gear us up for one of my favorite seasons, I wanted to share some fun, must-have summer apps for your smart phones and tablets. I love sharing ways to simplify our lives, and these are just fantastic.

Wordless Wednesday: Born In France

Yes, I got this email from my husband over the weekend and it made me squirt my coffee from my nose. Maybe THIS explains the weight gain I wrote about on Monday. Oh boy, I think I have LESS eating and MORE putting out to do.

Happy Passover, Happy Easter and a Blogging Break

Hello beautiful ladies. Happy Friday!

Just a quick note to wish those celebrating a very Happy Passover. Wishing you wonderful times spent with family, friends and matzo. 😉

I’m never one to judge what others do in their personal lives, so therefore, I thought this was quite funny. It’s amazing how much hypocrisy lives out there.

39 Is Gonna Be Fine

So, my husband calls me URGENTLY on Friday and tells me that I must call Visa immediately, as it appears my credit card has been frauded. Visa was unable to reach me at home and they needed to verify suspicious transactions. He gives me the number to call ASAP and tells me to ask for Nelly.

I hang up the phone while en route home from carpool and call the number. I ask for Nelly as told, and proceed to ask, “What happened to my credit card?”

The Black Bra

Girls, a little “Hump” in your Hump Day… no pun intended. 😉 My mother in law forwarded this to me a while back, and if you’ve been with your man as long as I have, you might just love this. Please don’t take it too literally.

Mixed Monday

Happy Monday, dames! I just finished a spin class at the gym, and after ignoring myself in this department for almost 10 days due to a hectic schedule, it felt great to SWEAT. It’s Monday, spring is ALMOST in the air, and the sun is actually shining in Montreal.

Today is sort of a mixed bag, so I titled it Mixed Monday. Wanted to keep you updated about some events, revelations and conclusions… WomenOnTheFence style.

6 Spring Cleaning APPS To Help You Organize Your Life!

Yesterday morning on my weekly parenting segment for Global TV, I shared 5 Spring Cleaning Apps for Parents. Kind of like a DIGITAL spring cleanse! I encourage you to check out the segment and learn about these great apps that will simplify your life. I have included the 6 below with their links, to help you GET ORGANIZED!

Wordless Wednesday: RIP L’Wren Scott

The devastating news of the death of L’Wren Scott has sent waves of shock and compassion through the worlds of fashion in New York and London. The loss of such a figure of grace, fun, and multidimensional talents seems incomprehensible. Always poised, always publicly reticent and privately considerate of her clients and friends, L’Wren was a self-made designer who was proud of building an independent business, which she kept scrupulously separate from her status as the girlfriend of Sir Mick Jagger. “I am doing this with my own money,” she said, on launching her own collection in 2006. “My life’s always been like that. It’s how I was raised.” – Vogue Magazine

Friendships in Our Thirties and Forties

A friend of mine forwarded me a recent article from the New York Times titled “Friends of a Certain Age.
Why Is It Hard to Make Friends Over 30?” The argument states that the period for making B.F.F.’s, the way you did in your teens or early 20s, is pretty much over. It’s time to resign yourself to “situational adult friends.”

Wordless Wednesday: A Tribute To 25 and 40

Lordy, lordy, look who’s 40 today! That would be my husband. A very suiting Wordless Wednesday to showcase this very special man on his special day.

And another Wordless Wednesday: Today is also the 25th birthday of the World Wide Web! Happy Birthday WWW dot!

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