Hi Girls! I’m baaaack!!!!! Dropped the kids off at school at 7:45 am, and did a little Pharrell HAPPY dance. If you’re not a mom, this could sound selfish, but if you’re a dedicated mother, you know that after 9 days off with the kids, BACK TO SCHOOL can come as a welcomed little gift.
The week off was wonderful. We skied, we ate, we relaxed, we watched movies, we slept. But for today, I wanted to show you an episode of The Quantum Success show. In the fall, I was a guest on New York Times bestseller Christy Whitman’s web show, and my episode aired today. Since I left you last week with the challenge of ‘getting off the fence,’ today I wanted to share the tips and tools needed for all perched fence-sitters. In this episode, I go into detail about the process of getting unstuck, and chasing your goals.