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The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


St. Jean Baptiste Date DAY

I am checking in from a day off! Hi Ladies! Today is St. Jean Baptiste- a statutory holiday, only in Quebec. June 24th and July 1st are the two days I look forward to the most every year– St. Jean Baptiste and Canada Day. Why do I love them so? Because they are not date nights, they are date DAYS! The kids go off to camp, and hubby is off from work. It’s the only time the kids aren’t around, and we get to enjoy a day off, alone, just with each other.

Embracing Change

Embracing change is never easy. We as a people, are not by nature, adaptive to change. Why? Change means ‘new.’ Change involves the unknown. Change means breaking comfortable patterns. Change involves going outside our comfort zone. We can fight change, we can try to avoid it, but change happens. And while change can come as a huge relief if we’ve just moved past a bad chapter in our lives, change can also be very scary. It involves tremendous risk, and puts us outside our comfort zone. But here’s what true– you make the choice about how you’re going to respond to change. You hold the power.

Wordless Wednesday: WOULD YOU DO THIS?

So, today I’d like to know if you think I need my head examined… if you think I’m Fifty Shades of CRAZY!

This weekend is Grand Prix weekend in Montreal. I gotta say, it’s one of my favorite weekends in Montreal. The city ignites with action, celebs, hot nights, and fun. A few weeks ago, my husband received two tickets for this Saturday night, for a “special and extravagant” evening. Yes, it’s about $1500 for dinner and it’s called “DINNER IN THE SKY.”

Shit, I’m woozy just writing it.

So as it stands now, we are supposed to have dinner this Saturday night suspended in the air, overlooking the beautiful city. Check these out.

On Finding Myself and Making Sure It Lasts

It has taken me a few days to get the thoughts out of my head, and onto my blog. I didn’t want to rush the process. I have had a major breakthrough this week, and I am hoping I can sustain it.

I just returned from a 4-day spa retreat in Canyon Ranch, Arizona with Dove. As a Dove Ambassador, this retreat was focused around the central theme of nourishment. The theme of the trip was the connection between Dove® body wash nourishment, and the nourishment of your mind, body and soul. On the retreat was myself, another blogger Tara Robertson, Executive Editor of Chatelaine Magazine Laurie Jennings, 2 Dove employees, and the 4 winners of the trip.

Wordless Wednesday: Guilt

This is my boy now. He is good and sick. I am getting on a plane in 24 hours to fly to Saskatchewan. It was bad enough I was missing his parent teacher interviews for the first time ever (hubby is going without me). Now this. I feel like the worst mother on the planet leaving.

So, today, instead of providing strength to my community, I will be needing strength FROM my community.

Send hugs, coffee and a speedy recovery.

Do You Care What Strangers Think of You?

A couple of months ago, I was running some last minute errands on Valentines Day, when the strangest thing happened to me. I stopped by my favorite place in the world, Whole Foods Market, to pick up some items so I could make something special for my valentine. As I walked toward the dessert section, it was crowded with men who just like me, were trying to find some last minute sweets for their sweethearts.

I finally made my way towards the front of the crowd and was happily browsing the desserts, when a man dressed in a nice suit came up to me and said, “Hey, I really like your boots.” I’ve noticed that there are two types of men in this world: men who notice fashion, and men who are oblivious to it. However, anyone who is into fashion would have definitely noticed these boots! I was wearing “Steve Madden Lexeee Boots,” and the truth is they are pretty fabulous. After his compliment, I turned and looked at him and said, “thank you.” He then removed himself from the dessert crowd and I continued browse. I honestly didn’t think a thing of it.’s Official Worst Blog Post To Date

Get ready!

This is going to be, officially, Women On The Fence’s worst blog post to date.

I have been locked out of my own site. Yes, my own server smoked me out. The world can get onto

Not me.

Maybe it locked ONLY me out, due to overuse and abuse. Don’t think this isn’t a sign from God!

Tuesday’s Tech Tidbits

After spending the past two days with my mom attending the Oprah Lifeclass Tour (which I will tell you all about tomorrow), this absolutely made me chuckle. My mom’s friend forwarded it to her this morning. It’s nothing about being on the fence, and perhaps it’s less than inspirational, but laughter is the best medicine, and I think somehow, in this tech age we live in, we can all relate. 😉

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