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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


The Knowledge That Saved Me From Molestation

Have you ever gotten “the creeps” from one of your children’s coaches? Have you been on the fence about whether or not to say something about it or raise an alarm? Maybe you’ll be perceived as overly sensitive or the dreaded helicopter mom. I believe that women are blessed with a superpower called “intuition.” You should trust your intuition and hopefully this article will convince you to speak up, no matter how awkward.

Moms4Moms: The Collective Power of Moms this Mother’s Day

Did you know approximately $14.6 billion* was spent on Mother’s Day presents last year in the U.S. alone?

According to a study the National Retail Federation conducted last year, Americans spent billions at restaurants and on clothing, jewelry and flowers. Where did that money go? $1.9 billion went to flowers. $2.9 billion was spent on Mom’s favorite food. Another $2.5 billion on jewelry. The remainder went to clothing or clothing accessories ($1.3 billion), gift certificates ($1.5 billion), personal services such as spa treatments ($933 million), consumer electronics ($906 million) and greeting cards ($671 million).

Skype, FaceTime, Privacy and Our Kids

With our kids’ busy schedules, video chatting is a great way for them to keep in touch with camp friends, get help for homework, do group projects and just have fun with friends. But as my girlfriend put it, “When my 11 year old son video chats with his friends (which he is only allowed to do at our family computer in the KITCHEN and doesn’t have this feature on his Ipod touch thankfully), we need to set up a whole new set of rules that keep up with our ever evolving technological world.”

Tough Love: Yay or Nay?

So here’s the “on the fence” question for this TGI Friday:

Do you shelter and protect, because these are our babies, and we want them to grow up with confidence and self esteem, in the bosom of those they love, and in turn perhaps risk doing them a disservice, or do you impose a sort of tough love, giving them the necessary tools to allow them to thrive and cope in the “real world?”

It’s A Small World

Good Morning. Happy Friday! Sorry I haven’t checked in since last week. We just returned from the most incredible, magical vacation in Disney World, Orlando. It was something that we booked pretty much last minute – the tickets were so cheap, and so we impulsively said, “Let’s do it!” Considering my husband and I are hardly the impulsive spending type, this came as a wonderful surprise.

Being A MOMpreneur Is Big Business

So it’s 2011. Maybe your kids are all in school now, and maybe you’ve decided that this is the year you’re going to get creative – in every sense of the word. Maybe you’ve decided that you’re going to get off the fence and contribute to society. That’s you’re going to contribute to your household income. That’s you’re going to leave your high stress job in search of flexibility and balance. Maybe you need to work for financial reasons, maybe you don’t. But one thing is for certain… MomPreneurship is big business.

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The Trick of Boundaries and Rules with our Daughters

As I listened to the voices of a variety of mothers this past year and investigated why mothering daughters today seems more arduous, more difficult than ever, I couldn’t help but think of my own daughters and the pitfalls and rewards of raising them. As they grew up – today they are 23 and 30– I often struggled with the ‘right’ answers to their requests.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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