Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

Take Erica's FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


The Secret No One Talks About…

Let me preface this by saying, I am not a fitness trainer. I am not a health guru. Not a doctor. Not a physiotherapist. I am just a certified life coach and entrepreneur, and what I am saying today holds no scientific weight, nor any weight at all, you might say. It’s merely based on my personal experience and perception.

But I do, however, think I’m onto something.

Five Signs You Are Getting Burnt Out At Work

It is better to prevent burnout at work than to treat it after it happens. Once someone enters this dull routine from which one only craves to escape, it requires serious involvement and sometimes psychological treatment.

But is there a way to prevent burnout without experiencing and treating it? The answer is yes!

What you need to do is to pay attention to the following signs that put you in the risk group to burn out at work:

How To Stay Healthy During The Long Winter Months

Hi Girlies,

Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving weekend. It’s December tomorrow. December, people!! When did THAT happen?

Beside beautiful falling snow, winter often brings something entirely different — flu season! In fact, my family’s skin has already faded from golden brown (summer lovin’) to pale white to green-like. You can feel the winter chill in the air fast approaching. We slacked off with our health regime all summer long, because we had the benefits of natural sunlight, the great outdoors, and we ate a ton of fruit. However, with a bunch of kids packed into close quarters at school, for hours on end, it’s only a matter of time before everyone is sick again.

5 Self-Care Tips for Fall Abundance

For those of us who live in a northern climate, we need only to look outside our windows to witness the season’s transformational energies. The chill in the night’s air, the reduced amount of daylight, and the colorful falling leaves indicate that the fall season is upon us.

With the start of the school year and all its demands, work-related stressors, football season get-togethers, Thanksgiving celebrations, Halloween treats, and the onset of the cold and flu season, healthy lifestyle choices can become quite a challenge.

Here are 5 self-care tips designed to help keep you well over the autumn months. Please keep in mind that change requires motivation, discipline, commitment and effort. It is important to ask yourself; Does this particular strategy feel natural and fit with my personality? Baby steps will allow you to sustain all the new changes in a few weeks from now. And just maybe on New Year’s Eve 2015 you won’t need to make resolutions and promises because, what better time than fall to create healthy habits for the upcoming holiday and winter season?

F*ck Cancer: Life Lessons From My Mother

It’s funny what you remember from your childhood. Our earliest memories of events, interactions and people can stay with us and resonate for the rest of our lives.

It’s also cool how at the moment of conception, thousands of generations that preceded us, come together at that magical moment, and give us all the qualities and challenges we will have as individuals– our strengths, our weaknesses and perhaps even more importantly, our temperament.

There are those, even as infants, who will go willingly to anyone that wants to hold them. These babies have no fear of the unknown or strangers, and they willingly use every day as an excuse to explore the world.

25 Healthy Snacks for Kids

Daily in the Diamond household, (until next week when my older son will start middle school and THEY will now be responsible for feeding him thank G-d), there have aways been two kids’ lunches to prepare: A main meal, 3 snacks, water and juice (the juice only goes to my older one). I have noticed a steady decline lately in the quality of snacks in their lunches (obviously my fault, despite being a very healthy household), and it’s been driving me bananas!

How Are YOU Going To #MakeItHappenMonday?

About two weeks ago, I was thrilled to announce that I had partnered with Motrin on their latest #MakeItHappenMonday Campaign, and that was our mission to transform every woman’s “I wish” into “I will.”

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“Challenges have the power to lead to new growth that we never expected. I am on a mission to inspire women to step outside of their comfort zones and try something new– and I believe Monday is the perfect day to do just that. This is where you declare to yourself and the world, how YOU are going to make it happen for yourself. To declare intent and set the tone for the rest of the week. To lean into any challenge and Make it Happen every Monday.”

I shared with you a little bit about my journey into meditation, and how after seeing a video by Jerry Seinfeld, I was totally inspired to up my meditation game and dive into Transcendental Meditation, or TM.

Alternative Cures for Anxiety: How to Cope with Anxiety without Medication

It may seem like a cliche, but I chose to become a psychiatrist as a way to help myself. I always suffered from anxiety, but never considered that help was available until I went through my psychiatry clinical clerkship as a medical student. During my psychiatry rotation, I soon found my calling- helping others who had mental suffering would also be the way I could help myself.

I went on to become a fully trained psychiatrist, and have treated thousands of patients with anxiety and other disorders. In the meantime, I honed the knowledge and techniques it takes to relieve suffering from anxiety, and this culminated in the writing of a self-help book on anxiety, Anxiety Protocol, and the creation of a self-help website for people with anxiety, In the book and website, I detail all the same information and techniques that helped me relieve my own suffering from anxiety, and has helped the thousands of patients that were treated by me for anxiety.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

Join my FREE time management and productivity workshop!

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