For those of us who live in a northern climate, we need only to look outside our windows to witness the season’s transformational energies. The chill in the night’s air, the reduced amount of daylight, and the colorful falling leaves indicate that the fall season is upon us.
With the start of the school year and all its demands, work-related stressors, football season get-togethers, Thanksgiving celebrations, Halloween treats, and the onset of the cold and flu season, healthy lifestyle choices can become quite a challenge.
Here are 5 self-care tips designed to help keep you well over the autumn months. Please keep in mind that change requires motivation, discipline, commitment and effort. It is important to ask yourself; Does this particular strategy feel natural and fit with my personality? Baby steps will allow you to sustain all the new changes in a few weeks from now. And just maybe on New Year’s Eve 2015 you won’t need to make resolutions and promises because, what better time than fall to create healthy habits for the upcoming holiday and winter season?