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Blue Monday: 10 Tips To Get Yourself Out Of A Rut

“Christmas is over, you’ve put on weight, it’s cold out, it’s dark out, your credit card bills are in, you’re not going to get another day off until March, and you’re tired.

You might even be depressed.

If so, you are not alone, especially not today. For today, according to one measure, is Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year.” (Montreal Gazette)

Sounds pretty gloomy. But for many, it truly is. For some, this January funk is a result of cold weather, overspending during the holidays, the economy, a relationship gone sour, or job dissatisfaction. For others, it’s something more serious.

Alright, I’ve gotta confess. Blue Monday was last Monday, and I missed it. I was Googling Blue Monday 2014 a few weeks ago, instead of 2015 and I scheduled this post incorrectly for today. All that to say, I don’t want to miss the opportunity to share some tips on this subject. Cuz it’s important.

Today, no matter where you’re at, I wanted to give you 10 power tips to beat the winter blues. Ten power tips to get you out of the January funk. Ten suggestions you can do NOW, to give yourself some relief.

5 Strategies To De-Stress Your Kids

I wanted to share this week’s Global TV segment with you. In my coaching practice, I am seeing extraordinarily high levels of stress and tension in families lately as a common thread. Many of my female clients are stressed, burned out, and it’s being filtered down to their kids.

One study says 50% of kids today feel stressed out. Children’s tensions are on the rise due school pressures, peer pressure, family tensions and just plain every day living.

This week, I shared 5 strategies to de-stress your kids.

Fighting Depression

When I was a kid, I couldn’t go to sleep unless I completed a very specific set of nightly routines. I was inexplicably terrified of water dripping from the bathroom tap, so I worked at tightening the faucet until I was sure I was safe. The bathroom light switch had to be flicked on and off exactly 10 times. Each item on my shelves and desk needed to be perfectly aligned and I felt compelled to yell, “Goodnight Ma!”, from my bed at least a dozen times.

October Is #BreastCancerAwareness Month: Karen’s Choice

I was diagnosed with a BRCA2 gene mutation (breast and ovarian cancer gene) in December 2008. My lifetime risk of developing breast cancer was 87%, my risk of ovarian cancer; 45%. Now, I ask you, if you knew your chance of winning the lotto was 87%, how often would you buy a ticket? Or if the pilot on your flight told you that you had an 87% chance of crashing, would you board?

That’s how I felt. No cancer, but stuck between a rock and a hard place. This disease had already claimed so many of my family members; I couldn’t let it get me too. Finding out I had this mutated gene gave me no choice but to take control and deal cancer a pre-emptive strike! I was going to do my best to prevent it as scary as it might be. I wanted to live a long life and be there for my children, my husband and myself.

The 5 Stages of Grief

Happy Monday, girls! We’re back in the groove today. The kids finally went back to school after last week’s Jewish holidays, and I went back to the gym (five pounds heavier due to endless chopped liver, brisket and gefilte fish).

You might recall we had one of my favorite guest bloggers on this site, Janet Tarasofsky. Her post titled 525,600 Minutes to Single Motherhood began like this:

Single mothers are created in all different ways– some through divorce, some by choice and some by pure chance. I struggle to decide exactly which category I fall into… perhaps you can help me to decide?

Robin Williams and The Stigma of Depression

In light of yesterday’s tragedy, I wanted to republish an older post on crushing the stigma of depression. I read online, “Maybe Robin Williams’ legacy won’t only be the humor he gave us. Maybe it will be that he brought depression to the forefront.”
It feels today as though a bright light has gone out.

Journey Into Juicing

I have always prided myself on being a strong, independent, courageous woman. It was the way I was raised. Or rather, it is the direct result of practically raising myself, with parents who were too busy “surviving,” to really pay attention. Either way, my two sisters and I only know from hard work and trudging along, and have all as a result, ended up fairly well off because of it.

WATCH: A Mother’s Day in Portage Substance Abuse Rehab Facility

Sunday is Mother’s Day- a day to celebrate and honor mothers everywhere. Today is not your typical Mother’s Day blog post. No, today, I decided to spotlight Portage, a substance abuse rehabilitation facility with a special Mother-Child program, helping mothers and children with addiction. I wanted desperately to give some of these nameless women who have fallen through the cracks, a voice for Mother’s Day.

I have to give credit my father, for it was his idea to do a mother’s day segment on these women. My dad is on the board Portage, one of Canada’s leading substance abuse rehabilitation facilities with locations across the country, and he told me about all the trailblazing work they are doing in the arena of addiction. Unique to Portage, they have en entirely separate Mother-Child facility where substance addicted mothers can live with their babies, and where newborns who are born drug-addicted can safely undergo drug withdrawal and not have to be separated from their mother. I walked the halls and saw these mothers and their children, and heard their stories. I was nervous going in, but so eager to hear the stories and showcase Portage’s work in this arena. I was only hoping I would do a good enough job to do their organization justice. I sat down with the facilitators who run Portage and asked them about what makes them so successful at what they do.

New Research: The Secrets To Living Longer

So I’ve been thinking a lot about my health lately as I approach 40 and notice huge changes in my body. I was the girl you didn’t like– the girl who ate whatever she wanted and the food just didn’t stick. Well, those days are over and I have officially landed on planet earth to join the rest of the world. It’s sobering, to say the least. Now, all of a sudden, no matter WHAT I eat, healthy food included, it ALL sticks. But I’m going down with a fight, yo.

Yesterday, I decided to spring for the $35 bucks that I was too cheap to do before. I’ve been dying to get Miss “Conscious Uncoupling” herself, Gwyneth Paltrow’s latest cookbook, It’s All Good. I’ve heard wonderful things about it, and I am really trying to be even more mindful when it comes to health than ever before. All jokes aside, I have always been a mindful, healthy eater. My mom raised me on organic food and whole grains decades ago, before people even talked about it. But now, I’m really tuning in.

Is Facebook Diminishing Your Self-Esteem… and Then Some?

These days it’s rare to meet someone who doesn’t use Facebook. In ten years flat (Facebook was only born in 2004) it has become a normal part of most people’s lives. 665 million daily, to be exact, which translates into more than one in every thirteen people on our planet.

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