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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


The ‘Secret Sauce’ To Becoming a Woman of Action – With Sheri Salata

My hubby was on “Daddy duty” this past Sunday during our yearly women’s luncheon for Breast Cancer Research: “Women of Action, Pink Lady Fund.” Each year, three outstanding women in our community are honored for their accomplishments and tireless dedication to their work and community, and for being “a woman of action.” Six hundred women strong. The highlight of the event, is always the guest speaker. The event is only a few years old, but over the past few years, we have seen the likes of Marianne Pearl (who was portrayed by Angelina Jolie in the movie A Mighty Heart), Margaret Trudeau (former wife of our former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who suffered with mental illness), and Jeannette Walls (author of the best-selling book, The Glass Castle).

The Cold Hard Truth

Low self-esteem seems to plague the female existence. We are faced with the insurmountable task of being beautiful, successful, sexy and powerful, all while making it look easy. Low self-esteem has been my Achilles heel since I was very young. Growing up, I was chunky with spotted skin, so I worked diligently toward being the class clown. Having my classmates laugh WITH me before they could laugh AT me was an art form I perfected.

A Quitter Never Wins And A Winner Never Quits

I love to write. There, I said it. I friggin’ LOVE to write. It doesn’t matter much what I’m writing — a how-to article on banana clips, an academic piece on the Reformation, a high-adventure fantasy/sci-fi — chances are, I will enjoy writing it.

Wisdom Wednesday: Love To The Haters

I gotta be honest, I can’t think of one single enemy I’ve ever made. I try to never burn bridges. I root for people’s success. I am kind. And I honestly can’t recall one hurtful email or tweet I’ve received to date… except this one, from Fred Flintstone, dated many years back.

Today Is ‘National Hug A Blogger Day!’ #HugABlogger

In case you didn’t know, blogging can be quite isolating. If I’m not traveling for speaking engagements (where thankfully I actually INTERACT with other human beings), or at events, at the radio station, or coaching, I’m literally alone. Alone at home, or alone with my computer at Starbucks. Writing can sometimes be a lonely life. There’s no flagship location where all the bloggers can come, and work together. We are virtual, online friends separated by city, state, province, country, and continent. And with the exception of a few incredible blogging conferences, I just don’t get to see these amazing women often enough. I’ve been at this new gig for two years now, and I can honestly say, I am right where I was meant to be. I am in the flow. I am in the groove. I have unlocked the PASSION badge at Foursquare (if you’re a social media maven, that would make sense to you).

Madoff: Sinister In Its Purest Form

I, along with the rest of the world watched in awe this week, as the members of the Madoff clan spoke to the media. I admit, I am completely fascinated by this story. I would be lying if I said otherwise. But I would to begin by saying, the travesty of the situation, the lives ruined by one man, Bernard Madoff, are incomprehensible, and completely devastating. Charities wiped out, people’s nest eggs gone, a son dead, all because of greed and the twisted work of sinister mastermind, Bernard Madoff.

A Weekend With Oprah – Living My Best Life

I am still on a high from my weekend in Atlanta. It was honestly, game changing.

For the new readers, to keep you up to speed, I attended the O You! Oprah Magazine Conference this past weekend, as a Brand Ambassador for Kleenex. The speaker’s lineup was out of this world… Gayle King, Lisa Ling, Suze Orman, Nate Berkus, Dr. Oz, Peter Walsh, Martha Beck, Bob Greene, Donna Brazile, Val Monroe, Adam Glassman, and Miss Oprah Winfrey herself.

Wisdom Wednesday: Face Your Dirty Dishes

There’s nothing like sitting down to a home-cooked meal with all your favorite foods laid out before you. Unfortunately, there’s nothing more tedious than standing over the sink afterward, scrubbing the pots and pans. And what happens when your favorite TV show comes on after you’ve just eaten your delicious dinner? You probably say, “I’ll clean up during the first commercial.” But you quickly grow roots into the couch and, before you know it, morning has broken and you’re rushing to get to work. Now you’ve got a sink full of caked-on pots growing mold.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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