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Michlyn Metropolit

If You Wait For The Right Time, It’ll Never Come

So I decided to start a blog. I am an extremely busy mother of three young, beautiful children. I probably don’t have time for this, but who really does? I have enjoyed being a guest blogger at Women On The Fence, (click here) as well as on friends’ popular blogs. I truly enjoy reading them as well. Maybe I am just blessed with awesome friends or perhaps they just have captivating subject matter. Whatever the case- these readings have become a bright spot in my daily regimen- and I figured that I may have some blog in me as well.

Reflections of a Weekend

When I awoke Sunday morning, the plan was to go over my speech for The National Woman’s Show. The hockey tournament continued into Sunday morning, with the final game at 10:30am. Surely I had been to both games on Saturday, and all his grandparents, his dad and brother were going to be there on Sunday to cheer him on. I hadn’t yet perfected my speech, and I had already been to the bathroom three times from nerves. I HAD to go over it and rehearse it. But when I said to him, “Mommy is not going to be able to make it to your game this morning,” I saw the disappointment in his eyes. I saw the sadness on his face. And then, the dagger of guilt through my heart! I knew he needed me there. And so, here was the defining moment of all my years as mom, where I truly realized that family comes first. It was where the word PRIORITIES and everything I speak of in my book and speeches came true to life. So, I chose my kid. Whether it was wrong or right to show up 5% less prepared, but having not missed out on his gold metal, is debatable. And I sat on the fence with this decision.

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Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday. Happy 35th! Just celebrated with my great friend, whose birthday is also today!! I brought 3 kids home in carpool after this champagne. Please don’t report me!


Off The Fence With Some Good Ones


Women have strengths that amaze men. They carry children, they carry hardships, they carry burdens but they hold happiness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.

What If This Birthday Was Your Last?

I feel that out of all the blog posts I’ve shared with you, this one should leave the biggest impact. I had the good fortune of meeting an incredible woman many years ago… twenty three to be exact. I was young, single, and I was shopping for towels and linens for my new apartment. When I was walked into the linen store, it was awe at first glance. At the first sight of this woman, I felt something. I can’t explain exactly what it was. She was a foreigner, she was young and beautiful, I would later find out she was a working mom, and her spirit somehow touched me that first day.

A Passover Perspective

Now please stay with me here. Most of us are born into a religion (unless you’re an atheist), with different customs and beliefs. Some are more devout and religious followers of their religion, others more conservative and reform in their traditions. And while we all have different degrees of religiosity, I do understand why some people are devout believers and followers of their religions. In a big and scary world, religious customs and traditions provide a sense of comfort, order and security. It provides answers for many of life’s questions. I get it. With all of life’s hardships, and little children dying of cancer for no reason, for example, we are made to believe this suffering has a purpose, and perhaps a good place awaits our loved one in heaven. With the possibility of assimilation, keeping the tradition in one’s home keeps the continuity of religion alive, and allows it to be passed down from generation to generation. Personally, this is why I choose to follow Judaism. So that I can keep it alive and pass it on to my children.


International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day! Today we celebrate ALL women, ALL over the globe. Here’s to you, ladies! I would also like to give a shout out to Brooke Burke, Co-CEO of who today was named the new Co-Host of Dancing With The Stars. Let’s give this multi-tasking celebrity Mompreneur of 4 our support as she begins her new job in two weeks. Brooke will also be one of the few incredibly dynamic people giving me Words Of Praise for my upcoming book, 99 Things Women Wish They Knew Before Starting Their Own Business.

Off The Fence and “Inspired”

Much to my astonishment, inspiration in fact surrounds our lives in places we don’t look hard enough to notice. There is, if you look closely enough, something to be inspired about every day. And as I see it, it’s inspiration to aspiration. I’m inspired to aspire to something richer, better perhaps even more righteous. I can truly say that I appreciate the sometimes not so obvious little nuggets of inspiration that appear in my daily life. When I stop and appreciate them, my glass is half full, my routine less numb and I am truly inspired.

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