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23 Life Lessons I Learned From My Dad

So today I wanted to pay tribute to them. If you’re a new reader, this will be new. If you’re an old reader, this will be a re-run… kinda like a tv show. 😉

It’s age before beauty, so let’s start with Dad #1. Dad, this one’s for you, and for my thousands of women readers around the world. Here are 23 life lessons I have learned from my dad. They are for everyone.

The One Lesson Our Kids Aren’t Taught In School

I have been obsessed with Trey Parker and Matt Stone ever since I can remember. It’s not that I even watched South Park – the hit show they created. It’s simply them together. I’ve seen them interviewed numerous times, and they are sheer genius. They think completely out of the box, and they trust each other’s instincts so intensely, that their quiet confidence and creative energy is palpable when you watch them. Simply put, I would die to have dinner with them.

When I opened my computer this morning and browsed Facebook, I came across Facebook friend Adam Braun’s page and noticed a link he had shared. It was a link from Upworthy, a site I frequently visit. And there was a video produced by Trey and Matt. Here it is.

Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents

Childhood can be a frightening and uncertain time for kids, and some mild anxiety is part and parcel with growing up in a fast-paced world. What many parents don’t realize, though, is just how many children are affected by clinically recognized anxiety disorders, and that their own anxiety can be a contributing factor to their children’s struggles.

Our book Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents tackles this complicated issue head on, with a fresh and somewhat unconventional approach to helping both kids and parents who are suffering from the effects of an anxiety disorder or anxious disposition.

Spring Break

It’s that time again – Spring Break. My kids are off next week, and whenever they are, my gift to them is to take a blogging hiatus and lighten the load.

How To Answer Your Kids’ Toughest Questions

On this morning’s weekly parenting segment for Global TV, I talked about How To Answer Your Kids’ Tough Questions.

Well my friends… the research is in. Skirting around the tough issues because you’re too uncomfortable to talk about them with your children, just ain’t gonna cut it. We all need to start getting super comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Six Secrets For Your Son’s Success In School

‘Let’s face it; I’m stupid. You know it, I know it, and my parents know it!”
These words were spoken in anguish and anger to me by Chad, a 12-year-old student in my office back when I was a principal. He reflected a profound problem that I could no longer ignore. I had seen too many boys who did not succeed in school.

I knew he was not stupid, and his parents saw him as a smart, if unfocused, child. But our opinions no longer mattered. His experience in school had convinced him otherwise. He dropped out a few years later and I was saddened, but not surprised.

We Day

It all started one year ago as I was watched Ed Bradley interview this guy I had never heard of, Craig Kielburger, on 60 Minutes. What I saw, blew me away. It all started with a dream… a 12 year old boy on a mission to end child slavery and encourage young people to achieve their fullest potential as agents of change. What lives today?

THIS. Watch it.

Become a Domestic Diva! Last Minute Halloween DIY Ideas

In honor of tomorrow night, one of my favorites of the year (behind The Grammys and American Music Awards), here are some fun, last minute, Halloween Do-It-Yourself craft ideas for your home to make you look like the Domestic Goddess you are.
I give you… this week’s Global TV Parenting segment.

Ending Mommy Wars

There’s always a first for everything. This week, I did my first live TV interview with either food poisoning or a terrible case of the stomach flu. I still don’t know which it was (I ate mussels the night before the interview), and I still don’t know how I made it through. But somehow I did. Without vomiting. 😉

On this week’s parenting segment, Camille Ross and I talked why moms are so judgmental of one other. I showcased what one awesome group of working moms in Connecticut did to end “Mommy Wars,” and instead of judging each others’ differences, are SUPPORTING each others’ differences. It takes a village to raise a child, and we must be each other’s cheerleaders, not frenemies.

Are You Raising a Generation Z’er?

Yesterday’s Global TV parenting segment was on a topic I am overly familiar with – raising a Generation Z child (children born between the years of 1994-2004), otherwise known as “Generation ME” or the Generation with a great “Sense of Entitlement.” I discussed the many traits of Gen Z’ers, along with the downsides and solutions for raising these kids.

Here is the segment.