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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


Back To School with Khan Academy: The Power of Learning

With back to school upon us (for some), or around the corner (for others), today is about sharing information with parents and students. Or not…

Frankly, today is about sharing information with all mankind. This is the most powerful thing I have seen in a long time, and needed to share it with my readers. My girlfriend Corine told me I could use her name, as it is her who turned me onto Khan Academy.

Wordless Wednesday: Off The Fence in Maine

So my husband cannot believe I haven’t checked in while on vacation. “Don’t you want to write a post?” he asked me.

But the truth is, beside some Twitter and Facebook updates, I have been resting my fingertips. And my brain. And just enjoying my time with my family. I will never get these moments back, so I want to seize them.

We are at the beach in Maine. I have surrendered to my cottage cheese thighs, tons of ice creams and fries, wine daily, tons of New England clam chowder (my all time favorite) and lotsa lobster. I’m feeling fat and happy and free. And oh how good it feels!

Do The Right Thing

Spike Lee was on my mind this morning. Remember his movie, Do The Right Thing? Well, two weeks ago, I questioned myself– did I do the right thing? This morning, I questioned myself again, am I doing the right thing?

Teaching Kids About Money

“Hello, Alisa? This is your gut calling.”

You know the feeling that you were meant to do something? When you just feel so infinitely concrete—so sure—that not following through doesn’t exist as an option?

I’ve felt that twice.

A Father’s Day Tribute

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads celebrating this weekend. I already paid tribute to my wonderful father exactly one year ago. Today I would like to honor my husband, the other incredible father in my life.

Happy Father’s Day. Enjoy this…

Our favorite song. 😉

Priceless Wednesday

For those of you who follow, you know that I often do a Wordless Wednesday, or even a Wisdom Wednesday. Today, however, is definitely PRICELESS WEDNESAY.

While some of my friends have been getting their older kids ready for sleep-away camp, I came across some FANTASTIC letters of my own, that my mother kept of my first summer at sleep-away camp. I was 8 years old. I had BEGGED my parents to send me to sleep-away camp with my friends, and after much persuasion, they sent me.

How would you feel if you got these?

Generation Z – A Sense of Entitlement

With women in the workforce today and parents more exhausted than ever before, moms and dads often find themselves overcompensating for issues they feel guilty about… such as divorce, or working many hours. We’ve all been guilty of plopping our kid in front of Baby Einstein just to get a moment’s reprieve. But we as their parents are the role models. Children don’t only learn by listening, they learn by watching. It is up to us to model proper behavior and practice restraint when it comes to demands placed by these Gen Z’ers.

Mom’s The Word

I am thrilled to be part of this Nationwide 5-part series on Working Moms. It aired on Global Television yesterday, and thank you all for the great feedback.

Truth be told… they cut out some of the real moments– like when I asked my four year old son about the best part of his day (a nightly dinner tradition in our family), and he answered, “The best part of my day was when I made farts.” Global, you were too kind to cut that one out!

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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