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Assertive in kids

Your Kids & The Line Between Being Assertive and Rude

We all want assertive kids. We all want polite kids. We all want kids with great self esteem and a high confidence level. I am sure no one is on the fence here. Where the lines get blurred, is how to raise an assertive child, to teach them to get their needs met, without being obnoxious and rude.

happy mothers day

A Mother’s Day Tribute

Sunday is Mother’s Day. This Mother’s Day 2010, I am a Blogger for the first time, which means I can profess my love for my mom TO THE WORLD! Mama I love you. You have been my best friend for the past 35 years. In fact, I will show you now for the first time, in honor of Mother’s Day, my tribute to you and dad in my upcoming book.

dancing girl

Sometimes I Just Wanna Dance…

Have you ever looked at your life, your daily routine, your kids, your job, and thought… I just wanna throw on a pair of heels, and dance the night away? I confess, I have.


Never Underestimate the Power of Will

And I feel like many incredible and successful things were built on a dream… Microsoft the biggest example. I surely know that the success I have had in the past 7 months has been solely based on willpower and a dream. And that isn’t a cheesy line, it’s the truth. So I’d like to leave you with one quote. And then ask you… what do YOU imagine for yourself? What do YOU dream of? What do YOU wish for? And what are YOU doing to make that dream a reality?

Closed On Open Marriage

So, truth is, I have been on the lookout for a woman, who exists in my head, who would be in a loving, committed and happy marriage, to her soul-mate, but who doesn’t have exclusive sex with her husband. And he’s cool with it. And he does it too. I figured, there has to be a “normal” woman somewhere in the world, who could live in the ‘burbs, pretty house with the picket fence, the kids, but has sex outside the marriage and doesn’t get in trouble! But, so far, no woman has come knocking on my door, so I wanted to share something I found.

Sassy All Stressed Out cprt pik ws

A Working Mom’s Guilt

When it comes right down to it though, it’s an issue of priorities. Am I a mom first or am I something else first? And if I’m a mom first, does that not inherently make the decision for me? Is it selfish to want to work full time? Is it selfish to want to feel like a mom less of the time? Omigod, am i selfish? Does that mean my kids like daycare better than they like me? Hmmm? (That’s not a rhetorical question, guys.)

Solving The Dinner Dilemma, Part II

Back in September of 2009, one of my earliest Blog posts discussed the question that comes my way every day around 4:30PM (from the little people living in this house) and it’s always sure to get me all riled up… the burning question…. “What’s for dinner?” And while I have been trying my hand at some new recipes lately, I am still at a loss, probably like most of you, for great dinner suggestions on any given day.

The Over OVER-Programming of our Kids

It’s that time of year again. Springtime in the city. Time where as moms, we try to figure out how we’re going to fit in all of our kids’ activities into one week. It’s also time where my mommy friends take the phones and give me a ring to discuss, “What are the boys doing this spring? Hockey? Ice hockey? Street Hockey? 3 on 3 hockey? Swimming… private or in groups? Tennis… outdoors or indoors? Soccer? Softball? When? Weekdays, weekends? With what friends? How old do they have to be to do hockey? Oh 3… too young… Oh that program… it’s closed. ” Holy shit, my head is spinning this morning! After all, if worrying were an Olympic sport, I’d take the gold for sure. ‘Member??

Raising a Child With a Backbone

If there is anything I am on the fence about, it’s the topic of nurturing… too much vs. too little. Encouraging our kids vs. being tough on them when needed. Aah, the joys of parenting and all the confusion that comes with it! Providing for your children’s physical needs, like food, clothing and shelter, is pretty straightforward. However, providing for your children’s emotional needs is an entirely different beast. Every child is different, and you probably see it in your own house, that your nurturing style differs with each child based on their character.

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