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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

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Caustic Parents

Lately I have been seeing and sensing a greater open discussion amongst my peers relating to the issue of toxic parents. For many years, it was falsely believed that by the sheer fact that your parents gave birth to you, you must love and respect them regardless of how they treat you. There is a point here. Even when you are seventy years years old, you are still a child to that parent. So where does that leave you if you are in the prime of your life, starting your own family and balancing the time between your family, and your toxic parents? What is a suitable amount of time to know when you have to make your own way in this world, relegating those parents to the sidelines?

fast typing

Guilty Part II

All the writing has kept me quite isolated, quite tired and a little more away from the kids than I’m used to. All this to say, I’m feeling the guilt. Oh the guilt. What a bad feeling. I’m having major flashbacks of the time when my stress level was at a feverish pitch, right before I sold my business, and my son would look at me and say, “I miss you mommy. How come you’re leaving again?” So, I would like to give a “HOLLA” (yes, that’s the sort of thing Jay Z and 50 Cent shout out at the Grammy’s), to my wonderful MOTHER. She has been my saving grace for the past two weeks when things started to get very hairy. She has been there to help out with the kids, and to nurture me emotionally. When the kids are with her, I never feel guilty. I can work with a clear head. I’m lucky to have you mom… I know you’re reading.

helicopter parents

Are You A Helicopter Parent?

So why do we hover so closely over our children? And why should we STOP hovering so closely? I have to tell, I’m often on the fence about when I need to step in, and when I need to step back. I assume you want your children to grow up to be independent thinkers, assertive, and not spoiled. If you don’t care about this, don’t read on. If you do care, you should know a few things:

On The fence… Vodka or Wine?

Okay, so can you tell I’m on holiday mode yet? That’s the “on the fence” issue for me right at this moment, 5m on a Wednesday, when my hubby is off from work and my kids are off from school for two weeks. More on the fence issues: what time to eat, or nap, or wake up, or play, or whatever. That’s what time off is for, I guess. No homework. No rules.

Parenting – Keeping Your Cool and Then Some…

But really, as parents, we are constantly policing; “Say please. Say thank you. Please look at someone when they are talking to you.” Or in my house, “We’re eating dinner, we don’t STAND ON the table, we sit AT the table!” We are trying to make on-the-spot decisions. Trying to keep our cools. Often losing our patience. Trying to choose the right school, the right camp, the right friends for our kids, the best extra-curricular activities, and the list is endless. Sound exhausting? Welcome to your life, my friends!!!

Guilt… Guilty, Guilty, Guilty!

Actually, guilt does serve its purpose on occasion. It sometimes guides us when things go wrong in our lives, when we’re not working hard enough, or when we’ve done something wrong, for example. But us ladies truly take guilt to a whole new level. I would even go so far as to call it our disease. We suffer from guilt about so many things. Instead of recognizing all the wonderful things we do for those around us, we let the things we CAN’T do completely overtake our mind. This is a sad thing ladies. Sad. But I will tell you, I suffer from this disease as well! And it’s chronic.

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