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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


Behind the Stigma of Single Mothers

As much as we’d like to think that we’re in a progressive, egalitarian culture, some 1950’s stigmas never die, no matter what we’re beating the horse with. While we can ascribe some of that to the fact that a major portion of the population grew up with these views, the stigmas against single mothers are still alive and thriving. In fact, 70% of Americans believe that single mothers have a negative influence on society.

No, that’s way too high, you say. There are 9.9 million single moms, surely they can find more than three out of ten supporters? Well, reality says differently. America still dislikes single moms, despite their frequent appearances in popular media and real life. Predictably, their reasoning is faulty to the core and reveals a lot more about their insecurities than it does about single mothers. However, it is still good to know what you’re up against, so without further ado:

Tough Conversations

When I was a freshman in high school, my basketball team was small. In fact, it was so small that we didn’t have a freshmen or JV team. My coach was tough. He had high expectations and conducted physically and mentally demanding practices. I suited varsity, but only got in the last minute or two (if we were winning by enough). Essentially, I only had the opportunity to play in practice. However, I battled, knowing that next year could be my year.

MOMPRENEUR: 8 Mom-Based Home Business Ideas

So it’s 2017. Maybe your kids are all in school now, and maybe you’ve decided that this is the year you’re going to get creative – in every sense of the word. Maybe you’ve decided that you’re going to get off the fence and contribute to society and your household income. Maybe you need to work for financial reasons, maybe you don’t. But one thing is for certain… Mompreneurship can be big business.

Cuz It Comes Down To This One Thing…

Girls, I wanted to share something that had a big impact on me. It was also a real AHA moment for the others I was with as well.

I recently went to a powerful, inspiring luncheon called Women’s Power Talks: Standing Up to Violence Against Women. I heard the story of Rita Kestenbaum, a mother who sent her beautiful daughter Carol Kestenabum off to college, only to have her daughter murdered by her roommate’s boyfriend on the day of her 20th birthday.

How To Talk To Your Kids About Money

Talking to our kids about money can be daunting. Where do you start? How do you start? When do you start?

As a Certified Life Coach, and Weekly Parenting Correspondent on Global News, I care very deeply about parents, kids and the wellbeing of the family unit. I often speak about the importance of financial freedom for women, and the messaging that it is never too early (OR TOO LATE) to begin. The more you talk about money now, the more confident you will be in your financial future. And while money doesn’t buy happiness, financial freedom can mean things like an early retirement, a home for your family, and the flexibility to make choices for yourself.

Here are my five tips when it comes to talking to your kids about money:

Turning 13… A Rite Of Passage

The day was September 22nd, 2003. I was selfish. A workaholic. 9 months pregnant. And didn’t know just how my life would change the next day, at 5:40am on a Tuesday, September 23rd.

When I heard the first cry, it literally took my breath away. I was instantly hooked. I hovered over his crib in the hospital. I watched him breathe. I watched his little round face for hours. It was a love only a mother could comprehend.

So to my first born child, my son, who turns 13 today, I have prepared some pictures for you to enjoy. Watching you grow over the past 13 years, has literally, just as the moment you came into the world, taken my breath away.

Enjoy your trip down memory lane…

Summer Travel Tips With Kids

Traveling during peak summer times can be frustrating: the lines are long, the planes are crowded, and it all can make for an uneasy travel experience.

As a mom of two boys, aged 12 and 9, I can appreciate how traveling with young children can feel overwhelming. My boys have surprisingly become wonderful travelers. Whether we’re flying to visit family, or driving on a road trip, they are generally cooperative and eager to behave.

Brother’s Day

Brother’s Day celebrates the bond between brothers – an amazing gift that should be cherished.

Happy International Brother’s Day!


When I gave birth to my older son, almost 13 years ago this September, someone bought me a book called Mother To Son, by Melissa and Harry Harrison. The book was life lessons on how to raise a boy- something I knew nothing of.

When I was pregnant with my first child, I had no idea what I was having. My husband and I didn’t want to know the sex (well really, he didn’t want to know). What I DID know, was that I was a beached whale. My father called me Orca instead of Erica. I had zits, out of control cellulite, and a rump roast. I barfed all 9 months. In other words… all the signs of carrying a girl!

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