I’ve got it ladies. I’ve got a case of writer’s block.
The best I can do today, is declare a day’s vacation, and return tomorrow.
Got any cures? 😉
I’ve got it ladies. I’ve got a case of writer’s block.
The best I can do today, is declare a day’s vacation, and return tomorrow.
Got any cures? 😉
My hubby was on “Daddy duty” this past Sunday during our yearly women’s luncheon for Breast Cancer Research: “Women of Action, Pink Lady Fund.” Each year, three outstanding women in our community are honored for their accomplishments and tireless dedication to their work and community, and for being “a woman of action.” Six hundred women strong. The highlight of the event, is always the guest speaker. The event is only a few years old, but over the past few years, we have seen the likes of Marianne Pearl (who was portrayed by Angelina Jolie in the movie A Mighty Heart), Margaret Trudeau (former wife of our former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who suffered with mental illness), and Jeannette Walls (author of the best-selling book, The Glass Castle).
Today is one of my favorite days of the year! Today is National Entrepreneurship Day. And I am proud to be the spokesperson for this day. NED’s primary goal is to increase awareness about entrepreneurship and promote it among young people, and in the long term, increase the number of entrepreneurs. After all, our children represent the leaders of tomorrow, and there just might be the next Steve Jobs, Phil Knight, or Martha Stewart walking among us. It’s our duty, to inspire our youth to not only become entrepreneurs, but to also THINK like an entrepreneur. And that means teaching them skills such as– how to become proactive, how to become a self starter, how to be a leader in their surroundings, how to take matters into their own hands to create change, and to have a desire to innovate.
I gotta be honest, I can’t think of one single enemy I’ve ever made. I try to never burn bridges. I root for people’s success. I am kind. And I honestly can’t recall one hurtful email or tweet I’ve received to date… except this one, from Fred Flintstone, dated many years back.
In case you didn’t know, blogging can be quite isolating. If I’m not traveling for speaking engagements (where thankfully I actually INTERACT with other human beings), or at events, at the radio station, or coaching, I’m literally alone. Alone at home, or alone with my computer at Starbucks. Writing can sometimes be a lonely life. There’s no flagship location where all the bloggers can come, and work together. We are virtual, online friends separated by city, state, province, country, and continent. And with the exception of a few incredible blogging conferences, I just don’t get to see these amazing women often enough. I’ve been at this new gig for two years now, and I can honestly say, I am right where I was meant to be. I am in the flow. I am in the groove. I have unlocked the PASSION badge at Foursquare (if you’re a social media maven, that would make sense to you).
If you remember back in April, I was thrilled to announced that I was the 2011 Spokesperson for National Entrepreneurship Day. NED’s primary goal is to increase awareness about entrepreneurship and promote it among young people, and in the long term, increase the number of entrepreneurs. After all, our children and grandchildren represent our leaders of tomorrow, and there just might be the next Steve Jobs, Phil Knight, or Martha Stewart walking among us. It’s our duty to inspire our youth to not only become entrepreneurs, but to also THINK like an entrepreneur, regardless of their career path. And that means teaching our youth skills such as– how to become proactive, how to become self starters, to take matters into their own hands, to be leaders in their surroundings, to have the desire to innovate. My love of entrepreneurship has been 12 years and counting, and my entrepreneurial journey has been thrilling and rewarding . Second to my family, it is what fuels me on a daily basis.
I once read a saying that “Disappointments in life are almost always due to expectations. When you want something, you expect to have it, and if it doesn’t become a reality, you feel disappointed.” This really makes perfect sense. But all of us over the course of our lives, at some point or another, have been let down or disappointed by someone or something.
I have been titled, a Teacher turned Writer. In actuality, I would call myself a writer, who became a teacher, then turned into a dream-come-true writer. I have been writing since I was fourteen. I wrote in a diary which turned into a journal as I got older. To date I have written over 75 journals which now are considered the history books of my family and life. Writing just happens to me. I have always dreamed of being an Author. When I was a little girl, I imagined myself sitting in front of children reading “my book.” When I had children of my own, I would pretend that the books I was reading were those I had written. I know this might sound silly, but it was my dream of all dreams.
Some people actively court change. They seek it out and embrace it. I’m not one of those people. Circumstances had to slap me upside the head a few times before I could take the leap and make a major career transition.
Can you say CHOCOLATE CHIP ZUCCHINI LOAF? Wa-wa-wee-wah!
Yes, I’m on a plane right now en-route to be the Celebrity Guest Chef on an episode of What’s Cooking, on City TV. Considering I’m the biggest FOODIE around (no doubt), but ain’t the best COOK around, this should be interesting! 🙂 We’re making easy, tasty and fun recipes for the busy woman and mom on the go. The episode airs October 8th, so stay tuned…