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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid

It’s Thanksgiving and Feel Good Friday, so here goes:

My whole life, I have given my all. My motto was, “Why give 100% when you can give 110%?” But I realized in the process of giving 110, I often complicated things. Things sometimes get… convoluted. I’m so worried about doing a bad job, that I add and I add, often unnecessarily.

When I look back at the things that have worked best for me- they’ve been simple. Like, STUPID SIMPLE. And I don’t know why it took me so long to realize this.

So, KISS has become my life’s motto for EVERYTHING lately. Should we add this this and this? No! Keep it simple. That is why Steve Jobs was so successful- he wanted the iPhone to be dummy proof- make a smartphone anyone can figure out.

6 Great Fall Reads for Women!

It’s fall, but more like winter in Montreal these days. Therefore, I couldn’t think of a better time to snuggle up under a cozy blanket, make a warm cup of tea, sit by a fire, and dive into a great BOOK.

Yesterday on Global TV, I shared my 5 picks (plus a bonus) for fall reading… a little something for everyone. Whatever you fancy, I’ve got your covered: a little mystery, romance, fiction, memoirs, self-help. 

If you’re ON THE FENCE about what to read, I hope this gives you some ideas.

Who’s Da Boss?

Ok, so it’s November.

We all know what’s going to happen in the next little while. It’s going to get darker earlier. There will be less daylight hours. It will get colder. Cold enough to hopefully have snow for Christmas. People are going to stay indoors more. This is also the beginning of flu season, so we are advised to get the flu shot. Our skin will become drier as the humidity wears off. The seasonal birds will be flying south and so will the snowbirds.

Geez, this sounds awful.

Actually, not at all! It’s all about perspective and taking control of your time. For me, I love this time of year. There are many reasons for this. Primarily, I’m happy for the humidity to go away as my curly hair will be tamed into straighter hair. I know that seems a bit trite, but I fight with the humidity for months. Ya, I don’t like having dry skin, but I love having dryer hair. Gone are the pollens and the bees. I will no longer struggle with seasonal allergies. Bring on the frost baby!

If You Didn’t Post It, Did It Really Happen?

If there has been one constant in my life over the past decade, it has been writing. Writing this blog, writing a book, writing speeches, writing TV segments each week, writing interview questions, writing proposals and pitches. Me, my keyboard and a cup of coffee have been my life for the past decade. So much so, that my kids often hand me their essays and say, “Here mom, can you proof read this?” And I never do… I want their words to be their own, not mine.

So when I attended a ‘lunch and learn’ on podcasting last week, and a lovely woman came up to me and said, “Erica, I have been a fan since day 1. I have been reading your blog for almost 10 years and I sense a shift. You aren’t writing as much as you used to.”

And I realized it’s starting to show.

#WorldMentalHealthDay: My 2001 Story

Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay. Yesterday, this is what mental health and self-care looked like for me. I was finalizing my Global TV script, blogging for WomenOnTheFence and making last night’s yoga playlist (hello A Star Is Born) outside at a café on a warm and sunny Montreal day. Sipping green tea (cuz we know that green tea is an antioxidant with a lot of health benefits).

Let’s not forget 1 in 4 will experience mental health struggles at one point in their lives. On World Mental Health Day, let’s talk about what keeps us well (ex: social connection, movement, restorative sleep, medication if necessary), and let’s talk (either out loud or to a loved one) when we’re not feeling so well.

Help is out there. I know, because I needed it in 2001 when I teetered on burnout. 

This is that story.

You Do You, Boo

Let’s think of this as your Wordless Wednesday (so I’ll keep it short). Or your Wisdom Wednesday. Or your Wake Up Wednesday.

Definition ‘ You Do You, Boo’ Urban Dictionary: When a person wants to do something that will cause them to be judged but they do it anyway. “Joanne wants to wear her hair in pigtails but she is getting weird looks from her classmates but her friend Ella likes them and says “you do you boo.”

It’s easy to get caught up looking at other people’s gardens, or lifestyles, or followers, and compare it to yours. Your homework on this Hump Day is to do you, boo.

Do your thing, do it well, enjoy it, be crazy and wild while you do it, and stop giving a shit about what others are doing.

You do you, boo.



Before Snapchat and Instagram, we had to use our imaginations to dream up all the cool things our friends were out doing. Or better yet, we didn’t even know we weren’t invited to the party! But now, thanks to social media, we actually have the cold hard proof of the incredible lives people are living (or so it looks that way), hence giving us FOMO. Now we actually get to SEE what we are missing out on – and that can feel pretty shitty for kids AND adults alike.

The average teenager spends around six hours a day refreshing their social media feeds and the average adult spends about four.


The fabulous times people are having is being shoved down our throats… by ourselves.


Tomorrow is a day known to Jewish people as Yom Kippur- the holiest, most religious day of the year. Tonight kicks off the day where we repent our sins, and ask G-d for forgiveness. Tomorrow is also a day of fasting. (Confession here- I’m not that strong in the fasting department).

Tomorrow night will mark my favorite synagogue service of the year. We will stand for one hour at a service called Nilah. Nilah marks the end of the 24 hour Yom Kippur fast. It is a very special hour (which I will miss because I am hosting 14 people at my house for the break fast), but what resonates for me, is the symbolism of Nilah. I think it very much parallels life. After you have fasted for 24 hours, it is customary at the Nilah service to stand the entire last hour when you are hungry, tired and dizzy. It is the ultimate test of your endurance. To be able to stand when you think you cannot.

This reminds me so much of womanhood, and our strength and endurance to go the distance in life. Women are the true definition of resilience and fortitude. We fight for what’s right. We go without so that our children won’t have to. We hide our tears to protect our loved ones. We are strength in the face of adversity. Eleanor Roosevelt said it best– Women are like teabags. We don’t know our true strength until we are in hot water. Celebrates Its 9th Blogiversary and a Rebranded!

9 years ago yesterday, I became a blogger. I really didn’t know what a blogger was, just that it would be the place I would try and get unstuck and off the fence, and so would you. I was working shit out at the time, and writing seemed to be a way to process it and work through it. We would vent, and help each other, and share our disappointments and frustrations. We would cheer each other on, and support one another. We would also listen to other stories of people who have overcome too. We believed vulnerability is strength, not weakness. And it changed my life.

I no longer write about my children because when the diaper and poop and bottle phase ended and real life took over, it suddenly felt like a betrayal of their privacy. But we have grown and evolved as a Brand. I’ve had some incredible highs, some life-learning lows, and I wouldn’t change a thing. This women’s lifestyle blog, ‘Real Inspiration for the Modern Woman’ will always be my safe place to work things out.


Get ready to Thrive in ’25!

Feel energized and focused. Calm, yet unstoppable—no matter what life throws your way. Aligned with your goals AND your self-care.

Thrive in '