I know I am on a blogging break, but I came across this today and very much wanted to share it with you. An extremely powerful visualization of privilege.
This video courtesy of Buzzfeed, illustrates the concept of privilege.
I know I am on a blogging break, but I came across this today and very much wanted to share it with you. An extremely powerful visualization of privilege.
This video courtesy of Buzzfeed, illustrates the concept of privilege.
I don’t remember a time when I didn’t love words. As a kid, I consumed books by the dozens, and wrote spiral notebooks-full of my poems and thoughts. What I didn’t understand then was the power of those words, to both elevate and diminish me.
Photo credit: revgeary.files.wordpress.com
By the time I was 16, I knew I wanted to be a writer. I even looked the high school career counselor straight in the eye, and said the words out loud. “Oh, you’re going to write the great American novel?” she mocked. Then, she advised me to take a typing class, so I could be a secretary. It was obvious she’d had lots of practice stabbing pitchforks into kids’ dreams.
The brutal truth was, nothing she said was worse—or more destructive—than the negative messages I was already telling myself. As I moved through high school and college, studying the beautiful words of Shakespeare, Austen, and Morrison, I became convinced that I could never be talented enough to be a writer. No one makes money writing, I chastised myself. You think you’re going to be the exception?
Hello ladies! Long time no see!
I am just back from Paris, where I had the most magical week.
If you recall, I shared with you this last month,
It is with tremendous pride and excitement that I can finally share how honored I am to join the company of empowered and inspired women as an Ambassador for Lancôme Canada. Having watched my mother take precious care of her beautiful peaches and cream skin my whole life with Lancôme products, Lancôme to me represented a strong woman, with true inner beauty.
I am honored that Lancôme sees me as a woman who also represents strong and real beauty from the inside out.
This year marks the 80th anniversary of such a meaningful brand, and I will take you along with me on a journey exploring some exciting things.” – WomenOnTheFence.com, June 5, 2015
So today, allow me to take you on my recent journey.
Because Paris has to be SEEN to be felt, my trip in pictures.
By Guest Blogger Bethany Rosselit
I know all about sitting on the fence.
I didn’t just sit there for 10 years. I bought a house there.
Happy Monday, Ladies!
I hope you all enjoyed your Father’s Day yesterday and had a chance to relax a little bit. We had a wonderfully relaxing day filled dads, grandads and family. The weekend was also accompanied by a few butterflies, as we get ready to send these boys off this week to summer camp. My little one for his first time.
“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.”Jim Rohn
By Guest Blogger Rebecca Longman
Here I am, 4.30pm on a Wednesday afternoon, 32 years of age and propping up a bar in Stamford, CT. I look around and there’s plenty of men, doing the same as me, drinking alone, yet I’m the one getting the ‘what’s your story’ looks.
Before you judge me let me explain why I’m here.
Five weeks ago on Friday, I became an expat. I moved from my home of London, England to Connecticut. The catalyst for the move? My husband’s job. He has worked for the same company for seven years and they recently offered him a transfer to the US.
On this week’s Global TV segment, I shared five great summer reads. In the fall, I had included something for every woman: fiction, non-fiction, laugh-out-loud funny, witty, heartwarming, and a heart-pounding thriller. For the summer though, I kept it a little lighter. We don’t have to be serious ALL THE TIME. 😉 Sometimes it’s okay for Calgon to take us away.
Here is the segment on five great beach reads. As you can see, I wouldn’t do well in a book club. It takes me 9 months to read one book.
Embracing change is never easy. We as a people, are not by nature, adaptive to change. Why? Change means ‘new.’ Change involves the unknown. Change means breaking comfortable patterns. Change involves going outside our comfort zone. We can fight change, we can try to avoid it, but change happens. And while change can come as a huge relief if we’ve just moved past a bad chapter in our lives, change can also be very scary. It involves tremendous risk, and puts us outside our comfort zone. But here’s what’s true– you make the choice about how you’re going to respond to change. You hold the power.
Good morning and Happy Monday!
It’s been a while since we chit-chatted, so I figured we’d simply just catch up today. The week started back on the saddle early this morning at spin. It’s been a little chaotic around here the past week. My washing machine decided to die on us this weekend, so RIP my favorite Mellie The Maytag. Shout out to my neighbor and mother-in-law who graciously took our dirty baseball and hockey clothes along with the school uniform and acted as Mary Poppins! I always say it takes a village, and it does. With no choice after Mellie’s repairman opened her up and then closed her right up like a surgeon saying, “sorry, there’s nothing we can do for you,” we bought a Samsung top loader washing machine yesterday. I am old school, and decided I wouldn’t be suckered into a front loader with lots of buttons. I like my little turny knobby thing, and I like my big top-loading washing machine. So, I’m still living in the 90s but at least I know what I’m doing. I ain’t the best laundress around.
But I digress…