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Wordless Wednesday: Happy Halloween!

While preparing for Halloween tonight, I came across this picture from Halloween 2004. My son’s 1st Halloween – he went as a race car driver. Here he is with his daddy. Wow, how time flies.

Happy Halloween and enjoy your excuse to eat chocolate and candy. I know today marks the beginning of my 5 pound weight gain. It lasts as long my sons’ candy lasts– and that’s usually a long time.

How To Safeguard Your Kids Using Mobile Monitoring Applications

The technological advancements we have made have resulted in the entry of new generation mobile phones which are smart enough to perform multi-functions. With the advent of the smartphone, kids are now increasingly utilizing these mobile phones for their various activities. The internet option helps them to browse websites; the inbuilt camera allows them to capture pictures, and so on. Most of these are beneficial, while some of them can be dangerous.

Are You A Sh*tty Mom? You’re Not Alone

Just as every mom has the moment she first laid eyes on her child indelibly tattooed on her cortex—you know, the part of your brain that, soon thereafter, spurts out Ohmigod it must be the plague the first time your baby gets a rash, or Ohmigod I can’t believe my precious little sweetheart just belted that kid in the kisser before you’ve even had a chance to open your mouth to deny it. Every mom remembers her first totally, irredeemably, irrefutably Sh*tty Mom Moment.

How Twitter Has Changed Motherhood

Hello all! Checking in from vacation.

Week 1 was spectacular, because, admission: I took last week for MYSELF. The kids were in camp, hubby was at work, and then there was me– goin’ nowhere fast. It was quite blissful. I did things like walk around aimlessly, spend the morning at the spa, and talk on the phone for an hour with my girlfriends. Things I hadn’t done in a long while.

10 Tips to Help Moms With Picky Eaters

Got picky kids when it comes to food, at least nutritious food? Do your kids try to crawl under the table when they see broccoli on the table? Do they try to slip the dog their squash only to find the dog won’t eat it either? You’re not alone! It seems to be a fairly common phenomenon among households with kids. And, not just young children either. Older kids can be picky eaters as well.

Wordless Wednesday: Graduation Day

I just got home from my son’s pre-school graduation. My baby is growing up. The years, they fly by too quickly. I feel so proud at this very moment, and the tears in my eyes are proof of this love.

Pucks, Parties and Passover, Oh My!

As you are reading this blog, I am in the car en-route to Hull, Quebec, a small town 2-hours west of Montreal, population 116,000. Why, you might ask? Well, if you follow this blog, you know that hockey is a BIG part of our life. And, I’m proud to tell you that last weekend, my son’s team won the Coupe de Montreal (Montreal Cup). It was a pretty big deal, and very exciting. And now, we are off to the regionals. Somebody hold me.

Tips for Co-Parenting after Divorce

As a divorce lawyer, I see people on a daily basis dealing with the aftermath of separation and divorce. In those cases where the couple has children, the unavoidable reality is that the children are likely to experience much more emotional turmoil and anxiety than the parents anticipate.

Wordless Wednesday: Grouchy Mom

Someone’s sick. Someone’s exhausted. Guess which one?

My little man has been sick since Sunday. Fever hasn’t broken yet. Doctor says it’s just a virus.

Warning: Mild venting about to begin…

Redshirting: The New Normal

It is called “redshirting.” Perhaps you have heard of it.

“Redshirting for young children refers to the practice of postponing entrance into kindergarten of age-eligible children in order to allow extra time for socioemotional, intellectual, or physical growth. This occurs most frequently where children’s birthdays are so close to the cut-off dates that they are very likely to be among the youngest in their kindergarten class.” (Wikipedia)

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