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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up?

That was the question I asked 25 Grade 2 students this morning. And I got a gamut of answers, “A businessman, a lawyer, a nurse, a doctor, a spy like my mom (hmmm okay), an opera singer (yes I laughed too), a celebrity (what career is that exactly?), a baseball player, a hockey player, go into my daddy’s business, a JUGGLER.” OK great answers! Yes, I just left my son’s school for “Parents as Teachers Day.” I volunteered for this once-a-year day last year, and I was excited to return again this year.

if moms not happy no one is

When Mommy’s A Mess

Do you ever feel, that as the centrifugal force of the house, that mommy’s mood sets the tone for the the whole family? This Blog post came to me a couple of weeks ago, when my girlfriend said, can you Blog about how when we are not good, the rest of our family never feels good? And how we can pull ourselves out of these slumps?

So really, what happens if mom’s not happy?

Mommy Guilt

Recently, a Mom friend of mine confided in me that when she had her first child, she did not feel any guilt at all…UNTIL one day another Mom asked her if she ever feels guilty about doing things for herself. “I do now,” she replied. Another Mom friend of mine told me that she felt guilty laying her baby down for a nap, because then she would be getting a break. I am sure she used that time to slovenly wash dishes or fold laundry or, god forbid, shower. No wonder she felt guilty. Seriously, even if what she did was go directly to her bed and lay there still and silent until her child awoke, should she not be able to do so guilt free? Don’t we, as Moms, deserve a break?

endings and new beginnings

To Endings… and New Beginnings

Last week, brought the end of camp. And end of camp = end of summer. As soon as camp’s over, it could be 100 degrees and scorching outside, but my head always feels back in the game. So despite feeling the usual sadness that the summer flew yet again too quickly, we ended off the season on a high. My whole family gathered ’round the arena to watch my big son play in his final hockey camp tourney. I’m gonna be the annoying, bragging, proud momma now. Because after telling you how my son and I have always been the tortoise, in the tortoise and the hare story, on Friday, he was the hare!

Etiquette… Winning Battles and Losing Wars

So I’ve decided that this summer, I’m turning a new leaf, and I’m gonna try and not sweat the small stuff as much. I’ve decided that when it comes to etiquette, a big thing for me, winning battles and losing wars is not the way to go.

Last week, my hubby and I went to see Carlos Santana in concert. I know what you’re thinking… how old is this girl, Erica? I’m only 35, but am a bit of an old soul when it comes to music. I’ve seen The Beach Boys, Tony Bennett and Marvin Hamlisch, all in concert, and I’m embarrassed to say, I think I was even in my twenties (not thirties) at the time. And I went on my own free will, yes. To this day, Marvin Hamlisch remains the best concert I’ve ever seen. Oh lord. Keep reading…

Mommy Wars

I was reading another woman’s blog the other day and I was struck by the negative comments that flooded her blog site. I couldn’t believe all the passed judgments, and the harsh words. But then, I began to think of all of the times I have quietly passed judgment on other moms. I was a little ashamed of myself and thought, “Why can’t we all just get along?”

Summer Camps and Flood Gates

Sometimes I just feel so happy that I have a Blog. It’s become my little place I go when I’m feeling happy, sad, confused, angered, anxious and celebratory.

This morning I shipped two little boys off to camp. I know what you’re saying… “Day camp! Get over yourself, Mamma!” But really, I’m not over it. I’m totally still in it. And the flood gates haven’t shut off yet. If you’re a mom with a kid starting a first day of school, a first day of daycare, a first day of camp, or any place where you’re sending your child into the unknown, then I know you can relate. Unless you can’t, and that’s cool too. 😉

Lessons My Father Taught Me

Sunday is Father’s Day. A very special day for Dads everywhere. I wrote a Mother’s Day Tribute, so it is only fair to do the same for Father’s Day. But today, Dad, it’s all about you. I always Blog about mom, and rarely about you. But you have impacted my life more than you could ever imagine. I am where I am today because of mom’s nurturing, but your guidance.

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