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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


Screen Time Rules for Kids: Families and Their Media Use

As a Certified Women’s Life, Business and Success Coach, I have worked with hundreds of women as a coach, consultant and mentor for over 15 years. And I will say, that any expert who says they “know it all,” when it comes to the new reality of screens, smartphones, tablets, technology, and the REAL long term effects on our brains and cognitive learning is simply not telling the truth, in my humble opinion.

As parents, we are all trying to navigate the sometimes rough waters and uncertain rules of screens in our lives. Smartphones are EVERYWHERE, literally – and we are always reachable, always on call, always accountable, and the temptation to answer that ‘ding,’ the minute it goes off, is palpable. In fact, it can be downright overwhelming.

Skype, FaceTime, Privacy and Our Kids

Do you own an IPhone?

Do you own an Ipod?

Do you own an Ipod Touch?

Do you own an Ipad?

Do you own a computer?

Would you allow a boy in your 14-year old daughter’s bedroom at night alone with the door closed?

My guess is, you answered “NO” to the last one.

While sitting in a meeting last week, a girlfriend of mine had a pressing issue she wanted to discuss. No, it had nothing to do with our school meeting, it was more 5 women sitting in a kitchen with our ‘mommy hats’ on.

Barbie Has a New Body #TheDollEvolves

On this morning’s Global TV parenting segment, I discussed a very trending topic – #CurvyBarbie. Yes, Barbie has a new body, and it has most moms celebrating, a few skeptics, and others who simply don’t care.

6 Hot Parenting Trends To Look Out For in 2016

I enjoyed this morning’s Global TV segment, as we chatted trends, and what recent surveys say will be hot parenting trends to look out for in 2016.
Helicopter parenting– in or out?

Eating for two while pregnant– in or out?

Tune in…

Discipline Without Damage: How To Get Your Your Kids To Behave Without Messing Them Up

I am a mom. And a psychologist who works with children and parents. Talk about an occupational hazard! But it is through wearing these two hats that I live the science of child development. I have the amazing privilege in my every day life of seeing the growth of my two boys and also the growth of my client families. Sadly, alongside that, I have also seen the heartbreak of discipline that is not aligned with contemporary theory and science.

One of a child’s most foundational needs is that of relational connection. And yet, our dominant culture is consumed with approaches to discipline – time outs, rewards charts, and consequences to name a few –that sell out on this need, probably because on the outside such approaches appear to work in stopping the behavior. But this comes at a cost – our children’s healthy development.

The Science of Raising Happy Kids

I absolutely love today’s post which comes courtesy of Happify.

The study reported that kids with nurturing moms have 10% bigger brains, and other interesting facts.

Enjoy this.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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