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On A Journey To #MakeItHappenMonday

Last week, I was thrilled to announce that I partnered with Motrin on their latest #MakeItHappenMonday Campaign, and that it is our mission to transform every woman’s “I wish” into “I will.”


Challenges have the power to lead to new growth that we never expected. I am on a mission to inspire women to step outside of their comfort zones and try something new– and I believe Monday is the perfect day to do just that. This is where you declare to yourself and the world, how YOU are going to make it happen for yourself. To declare intent and set the tone for the rest of the week. To lean into any challenge and Make it Happen every Monday.

I shared with you a little bit about my journey into meditation, and how after seeing a video by Jerry Seinfeld, I was totally inspired to up my meditation game and dive into Transcendental Meditation, or TM. Jerry really sold me.

How To Shut Your Brain Off For A Good Night’s Sleep

ow many of you lay awake at night, tossing and turning, unable to sleep? How many of you flip flop around like a fish out of water, and check that clock… 1:17Am, 3:27Am, 4:49Am, 6:30AM…..BEEP BEEP BEEP. Your alarm is ringing, time to wake up!! I am getting tired just writing about it!

The truth is for many, sleep deprivation is a major issue.

We all know how it feels when you’re lying awake in bed trying to fall asleep, and your mind is racing. Thoughts are coming from everywhere, and although your body is lying quite still, your mind is running an Ironman marathon. It’s almost as if you’re thinking 100 times faster at night than you do during the day.

Wordless Wednesday: Bedtime

I find myself referencing Orange Is The New Black quite often lately, actually!

Alright, the boys are going into 3rd and 7th grade.

What say you for bedtimes?

3rd grade: _______ pm

7th grade: _______ pm

I’m definitely on the fence.

WALKING For Just 2 Minutes An Hour Can Extend Your Life

Researchers find that adding two minutes of light exercise to each hour of your day lowers your risk of dying prematurely by 33 percent.

It’s the latest research to show how important simply walking can be for your health. Earlier this year British researchers also found that just one, energetic, 20-minute daily stroll can slash your risk of early death. They tracked more than 330,000 European men and women over a 12-year span.

Walking is considered the “superfood of fitness,” according to experts. A small study of non-obese men at Indiana University suggests that three 5-minute walks done throughout three hours of prolonged sitting (which many of us have to do during the day at work) can reverse the harmful effects of prolonged sitting on arteries in the legs.

When Your Life Gets Turned Upside Down

At 35, I had it all.

I had a newborn son and was married to the most incredible man I had ever met. I had great friends, family and a job I loved. I was dreaming of mommy and child classes and being a family.

And then, everything changed.

My husband complained that it felt like he had butterflies in his stomach and I urged him to see a doctor. Being new parents and dealing with my father-n-law’s health issues, we both thought it was stress-related. An ulcer or maybe IBS. He went to the doctor and underwent routine blood tests.

The results came back anything but routine.

The Sunday morning of my brother’s wedding, we got a call that he was losing blood from somewhere and there was something seriously wrong. We knew a Sunday call was not a good sign. Soon after, he went for a private colonoscopy and the results would change our lives forever.

Spring Clean Your Body Through Juicing

have always prided myself on being a strong, independent, courageous woman. It was the way I was raised. Or rather, it is the direct result of practically raising myself, with parents who were too busy “surviving,” to really pay attention. Either way, my two sisters and I only know from hard work and trudging along, and have all as a result, ended up fairly well off because of it.

We all started working at a very young age. I started at the age of 11 years old, delivering The Gazette newspaper on my street and babysitting in my neighborhood. I only stopped working for a short time in my life (4 ½ years to be exact) after I got married, when my doctor put me on bed rest for my second or third pregnancy (I lost count). Unfortunately, in the first few years of my marriage, I had several pregnancies that ended in miscarriage before I was blessed enough to go full term with my miracle son Louis, who is now 8 years old. I felt so grateful everyday to have him, that I didn’t want to go back to work until he was ready for full-time preschool at age 4.

I Don’t Want To Be “62 and Sizzling” Like Jane Seymour

By Guest Blogger Gloria Fallon

I really don’t.

When I’m 62 I want to be able to eat and do whatever the hell I want. And if that means I’m “pleasingly plump,” then good for me! When I’m 62, I don’t want to be doing stomach crunches, applying fake tanner and scrutinizing my ass and thighs before I go to the beach. I’m tired of doing these things now, so no way am I doing them when I’ve reached the respectable age of 60-somethings.

What is with this constant push for women to look young and thin?

Wordless Wednesday: Filters and Facades

I saw these on Instagram this week, and at first, they made me chuckle because they are in fact funny.

But then at second glance, they made me think of something more profound. Something deeper. Something more serious, and more real going on.

I also saw an ad that popped up for me yesterday on Facebook. An ad for a filter app called FACIE. How perfect for our narcissistic selfie obsessed society?

Recipes and Tips for Healthy Eating This Super Bowl Weekend

ne of America’s favorite pastimes is gathering for the Super Bowl, which often involves a spread of unhealthy food options. But you know what? Spending time with your friends and cheering for your favorite team should not have to add to your waistline! Eating clean can be easy, even at parties. You just need the tips and tools, and I’m excited to share them here for Women On The Fence readers! My method is simple: I trim food decisions into a simple guide to eating right. The concept: 51 Food Laws to take with you to the grocery store. Perfect for Super Bowl Weekend! Just a few of the Rules highlights:

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