Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

Take Erica's FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


The #1 Strategy To Get and Stay Motivated @OWNTV #OWNShow

Today marks an exciting milestone in my career – I join The OWN Network family (it’s no secret that Miss Oprah is my hero and inspiration… and also has my dream job, by the way!). 😉 I am so honored to share my first of 5 episodes of The #OWNShow on which will roll out for the next 5 Mondays in honor of #MotivationMonday.

The #OWNSHOW appeals to us girls – a smart, savvy, modern, enlightened audience who is interested in talking and learning about all the issues of today in the health, wellness, self improvement and inspiration space. This lifestyle show feels younger, hipper and quicker to share tips and tools to help us thrive.

Today, I join the #OWNSHOW as a guest, following other trailblazing #OWNSHOW guests, including Tony Robbins, Russell Simmons (Def Jam, Phat Farm), Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love) and Hoda Kotb (TODAY Show).

Do You Ever Feel Like People Are Judging You?

Do you ever feel like people are judging you?

If your answer was not yes, than clearly you are not paying attention.

People ARE judging you.

All of the time.

I mention judgment not to make you feel ever-more under a microscope …but to ask a question I am curious about. Do you like or dislike being judged?

My answer I suppose is short and simple, I like being judged when it is positively and I do not like being judged when it is negatively. Might be human to feel so.

Playing In Your Own Shit

As I was in yoga class last week, it brought me back to a story a few years back. I would like to share this story that resonated for me, especially since we just started a new year, and can therefore start with a clean slate – tabula rasa.

So…. a few years ago. Yoga. Yes. I was totally into it… relaxed, lying on my back, eyes closed, breathing. I had worked hard during the hour, so my body was feeling fatigued. I had also been completely overloaded at the time, so I just allowed myself to sink into the mat, and listen to the teacher’s soothing voice. His comments about why we have chosen to come to yoga class today, and how we choose to live our lives each and every day was very calming. I was truly in the moment.

How A Chance Encounter With A Stranger Changed My Entire Life

I once lived a life that wasn’t truly my own.

It all began when I decided to go to law school. I made that decision not because of any burning desire to become a lawyer, but more likely, out of fear. I desperately wanted to fit in with my friends who were following the professional fast track. Deep down, I was worried that my artistic sensibilities would drive me to a life of poverty, despair and dead-ends. This was long before I heard about the universal laws of abundance: when you truly do you what you love and follow the path that was destined for you, the doors of prosperity open wide. I figured I could fulfill my artistic side by reading, going to the movies or catching live music on weekends.

What a mistake.

@Oprah on Barbara Walters’ 10 Most Fascinating People of 2014

I gotta admit, I’m a sucker for this show. Barbara Walters celebrated the 21st anniversary of her 10 Most Fascinating People special last night. As long as Bawbwa Wawa keeps this yearly special going, I will tune in!

The highlight for me last night was Elon Musk. Please do yourself a favor, and watch this. You won’t be sorry. This guy is my hero. Another one I loved for her brutal honestly about herself and her career, as well as her out-of-the-box thinking, was Chelsea Handler. And yes, Taylor Swift who has somehow annoyed me for the past couple of years, got my vote. I might just have converted to a “Swifty” – as her fans call themselves.

Wordless Wednesday: The WomenOnTheFence® Makeover Is Here!

We did it! It has been a looong time in the making. We have been working fervently on our blog redesign in order to give you the best and most optimal reading experience possible– a more user-friendly, easier to navigate, and specifically, a more mobile friendly destination. It has been no easy feat.

Accepting Change: Letting Yourself Fall Into The Flow of Your Life

While my current situation is not life threatening, it has been life altering. The following are my musings of dealing with a life-changing event.

Imagine being in the top physical shape of your life. Years of training, rebooting your body. You changed your food habits, you had adopted exercise habits. You found yourself enjoying working out and making the gym a daily part of your life. Through your own journey you were able to drop 120+ pounds and rebooted your body chemistry so that you were no longer a health risk to yourself or to your loved ones.

Wordless Wednesday: Sexiest Man Alive

It was announced today. Your Sexiest Man Alive 2014 is… drumroll… Chris Hemsworth.

Ladies, ladies, what say you?

I’m not on the fence… this guy doesn’t do it for me.

Maybe I’m still living in the past, but this was the Sexiest Man Alive EVER for moi.

Bucket List Crossing

I’m sitting at the airport about to cross a few things off my bucket list this week. I’m feeling so excited, so nervous, and well, always, always butterflies when traveling far away and alone.

I kissed my boys goodbye last night and I’m off to LA now to fulfill a dream – to share my wisdom on OWN TV.

Get ready to Thrive in ’25!

Feel energized and focused. Calm, yet unstoppable—no matter what life throws your way. Aligned with your goals AND your self-care.

Thrive in '