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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


Wordless Wednesday: Sexiest Man Alive

It was announced today. Your Sexiest Man Alive 2014 is… drumroll… Chris Hemsworth.

Ladies, ladies, what say you?

I’m not on the fence… this guy doesn’t do it for me.

Maybe I’m still living in the past, but this was the Sexiest Man Alive EVER for moi.

Bucket List Crossing

I’m sitting at the airport about to cross a few things off my bucket list this week. I’m feeling so excited, so nervous, and well, always, always butterflies when traveling far away and alone.

I kissed my boys goodbye last night and I’m off to LA now to fulfill a dream – to share my wisdom on OWN TV.

5 Great Fall Reads!

Fall is the perfect time to cozy up under the covers and get into a great book. On this week’s Global TV segment, I shared 5 great fall reads… I included something for every woman: fiction, non-fiction, funny, heartwarming, heart-pounding thriller.

The Confidence Bible

Stop for a second and ask yourself, how are you feeling? If you were to finish the following statement, what would you say?

“I am ____.”

What word did you use? Happy? Anxious? Over-worked? Calm?

When I do this exercise with clients, I usually get negative statements. For a lot of us, we let our damaging views of ourselves to dominate our psyche and eventually to become the reality. There’s no shortage of evidence on how the principles of auto-suggestion (how stating things to ourselves can eventually become the reality) can work to change our lives for the better. It’s the core to Napoleon Hill’s bestselling book Think and Grow Rich, and Louise Hay credits the practice as a key element to helping her heal her cancer and take control of her health.

How Do YOU Define Yourself?

Take 13 minutes out of your day during your lunch break, while in the carpool lane, while on the throne! This is a lesson in defining yourself by the so-called “world’s ugliest woman.” Lizzie Velasquez reminds us that WE are the ones who define ourselves. Not anyone else. Your life is in YOUR own hands. Not one else’s. Lizze is all beauty, all radiance, and I would love to know what you took away from this.

A Woman With A Vision

I recently sat down with WestGroupe do to an interview on life, inspiration, making a difference, and Women On The Fence. I wanted to share that interview with you today. If you haven’t heard of WestGroupe, they are a cutting-edge eyeglass company, so if you are a glasses wearer like me, you might love some of their incredible styles.

Striving for Balance

We should probably begin by defining success.

To me, it meant spending my days doing something I loved. Having the flexibility to be present for school concerts, sick days and summers. Travel. And rarely, if ever, being told what to do. If you look at that list carefully, you will note I am basically unemployable – or as others like to call it – an entrepreneur.

Freaky Friday

So, this is the deal, ladies. Our website got overtaken by hackers in Pakistan this past weekend.

We then decided Monday morning to prematurely launch our new site redesign (it was the same amount of work to bring back the old site, or get the new one up and running).

But maybe that was a mistake.

We’ve been working on our blog redesign for A LONG TIME. Our goal is to bring you a more user-friendly experience, easier to navigate, and specifically, a more mobile friendly site too.

#WomenOnTheFence Celebrates Its 5th Blogiversary!

Today we celebrate the 5th anniversary of a blog that was born out of feeling stuck, on the fence, alone, confused, and wanting to create a space for women to get inspired, get off the fence, grow, succeed and thrive. You have made that happen. I am grateful for this community who has stood by me in my darkest hours, my greatest triumphs, and given me a safe place to be authentic myself. You have also helped each other, and inspired each other into action. Never underestimate the power of a few simple words on a page.

This week, I celebrated our 5th blogiversary on my weekly segment on Global TV. We had much to celebrate this week… our blogging anniversary of course, and our co-host Camille’s engagement. I honored WomenOnTheFence’s blogging anniversary by sharing some blogging tips and tricks. So, if you are thinking of taking the dive, a few tricks of the trade…

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

Join my FREE time management and productivity workshop!

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