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Wordless Wednesday: U2 for ME2!

So, I know you’re probably wondering, what does THIS have to do with getting off the fence? And the truth is, it doesn’t. But when you’ve never won anything in your life, I mean ANYTHING (other than a subscription to Teen Beat magazine, which at 11, was better than winning the lotto), it’s cause for excitement!

Remembering Joan

Joan Rivers was a woman off the fence. She lived life on her own terms. She was ballsy, gutsy, ridiculous at times. She wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, and in fact, to her admission, her success came as a direct result. She was Simon Cowell before we even met Simon Cowell.

Erica’s Top 10 Favorite Products For a THRIVING Lifestyle

Happy September! I CANNOT believe Labour Day weekend has passed. To me, this time of year symbolizes the end of summer. I welcome Fall… I love a great big cozy sweater, a pair of skinnies and a good pair of leather boots. But fall means the beginning of our Montreal winters, which = INSANITY.

Children and Guns in America: Where Have We Gone Wrong?

Taking a LITTLE girl to a shooting range? To shoot a gun that shoots 600 rounds a minute? I’m speechless because this is all COMPLETELY ABSURD. Don’t we want our little girls to learn which sport is healthy and best for them? Don’t we want them to learn about their connection to this peaceful earth?

Meeting Barbara Walters and Sage Advice

It’s not everyday you get to meet trailblazers. Glass ceiling breakers. It’s not every day you get to meet people who were doing things FIRST. I have been fortunate enough to have met and interviewed some remarkable people over the years since starting this women’s lifestyle brand 5 years ago, next month.

Look UP

I saw this video while ironically sitting having breakfast with my husband in Paris two weeks ago, and if I am to be honest, it stopped me dead in my tracks. It was a cold, harsh reality check that made me recognize some bad habits I have formed over the past few years. That many of us have formed over the past few years.

Look Up is a spoken film in poetic form created by Gary Turk. ‘Look Up’ is a lesson taught to us through a love story, in a world where we continue to find ways to make it easier for us to connect with one another, but always result in us spending more time alone. Alone looking down at our phones.

Wordless Wednesday: #HabsFallonBet

I have waited all week for this WORDLESS WEDNESDAY. Today we’re off the fence! Today we’re celebrating my love of four things: My Montreal Canadiens (AKA Habs), Jimmy Fallon, Twitter and a good bet.

In case you don’t follow hockey, it was the Habs Vs. the New York Rangers in the NHL playoffs last week. And in case you don’t know much about Canada, WE LOVE OUR HOCKEY! Well, my fave Jimmy Fallon took to Twitter to confirm a bet offered up by our Habs.

The Age Of Aloneness

Calling all moms, aunties, and grandmothers! Today’s post is actually why I started blogging in the first place– to provide a safe and inclusive community to share and learn from likeminded women all working toward the same goal – to be the best and happiest that they can be.

Wordless Wednesday: Midnight In Paris

I am here celebrating my husband’s 40th birthday. Leaving the kids was honestly quite stressful, with a lot of tears (we have never left them for more than three days). The first day was very difficult. The second one, a little easier. Now… WHAT KIDS?! 😉

We’ve settled into a well-needed vacation together and surrendered to magic of this romantic city. I’ve also surrendered to the loving care of the grandparents at home knowing that the boys are in safe hands.

Just a few moments…

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