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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


Hurricane Sandy

Out of respect to those affected by the threats and terror of Hurricane Sandy, I have decided to postpone today’s blog.

I am thinking of my family in New York and the millions of others affected by this horrific natural disaster. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Be safe.

Lance Armstrong: The Fall From Grace

I awoke to these headlines: Lance Armstrong Stepping Down as chairman of Livestrong charity.

My reaction: shock and sadness, if I will be honest.

“Lance Armstrong is stepping down as chairman of the Livestrong cancer charity he founded in 1997 after recovering from the disease, a spokeswoman for the organization confirmed .

You Need ‘Chutzpah’ In Life!

Sunday was an absolutely awesome day. I spoke in the morning at an event called Le Mood – The Festival of Unexpected Jewish Learning and Culture. The tag line for the conference: Dare To Be Curious (love it)! 1000 awesome people came for a day of learning, and broadening horizons. I brought my expertise as a success coach and entrepreneur, and my talk was called: The Role of Chutzpah in Business, Marriage, Motherhood and Life.

Aaaah Chutzpah. One of those universal words in Yinglish!

Motivation Monday: Off The Fence

This renders me speechless, teary-eyed, and with the feeling that I can accomplish ANYTHING that I set my mind to.

I don’t think there could be any more appropriate video today on Canadian Thanksgiving, than this one. Talk about being thankful and grateful for your shot at life. Talk about getting unstuck and off the fence.

These 3 minutes are worthy of your time.

Wordless Wednesday: Sacrifice

During an early morning response to a house fire in Santa Rose de Temuco, Chile , firefighters witnessed the unbelievable. A mother dog risked her life to save her puppies from the fire surrounding the burning house, which started because of a car bomb.
The mother dog, Amanda, raced back and forth between the house, putting her 10 day old puppies in the safest place she could find – a firetruck!

Whether You Think You Can, Or You Think You Can’t– You’re Right

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t– you’re right.” ~Henry Ford

What we believe about ourselves runs deep. Our unconscious thoughts determine how we instinctively operate in the world. Our daily decisions, big and small, all derive their roots from our personal power, what we think we can accomplish, and these decisions shape our lives, and our destiny.

Yom Kippur: A Day of Fasting, Atonement and Reflection

Today is a day known to Jewish people as Yom Kippur- the holiest, most religious day of the year. Today is a day where we repent our sins, and ask G-d for forgiveness. Today is also a day of fasting. (Confession here- I’m not that strong in the fasting department).

Tonight will mark my favorite synagogue service of the year. We will stand for one hour at a service called Nilah. Nilah marks the end of the 24 hour Yom Kippur fast. It is a very special hour (which I will miss because I am hosting 16 people at my house for the break fast), but what resonates for me, is the symbolism of Nilah. I think it very much parallels life. After you have fasted for 24 hours, it is custom at the Nilah service to stand the entire last hour when you are hungry, tired and dizzy. It is the ultimate test of your endurance. To be able to stand when you think you cannot.

WomenOnTheFence Celebrates Its 3 Year Blogiversary

Today we celebrate the 3rd anniversary of a blog that was born out of feeling stuck, on the fence, alone, confused, and wanting to create a space for women to get inspired, get off the fence, grow, succeed and thrive. You have made that happen. I am grateful for this community who has stood by me in my darkest hours, my greatest triumphs, and given me a safe place to be authentic myself. You have also helped each other, and inspired each other into action. Never underestimate the power of a few simple words on a page.

Oh What A Night…

Last night was a big night. I made myself a warm cup of tea, and settled in to watch the election results. Yesterday marked a big day for my province of Quebec- Election Day. We elected a new Premier to lead our province. The first female ever actually, but one who feels Quebec would be best run as its own country. Yes, COUNTRY. Pauline Marois would like Quebec to separate from the rest of Canada. This is who we elected as our new Premier.

My “Friends” On Death Row

My name is Kelly. I am a mom of six, a wife, a writer and president and founder of my local chapter of Mothers & More. I am also on a first name basis with Richard Ramirez, I exchange letters with Charles Manson, and speak regularly to most of the women on America’s death row. How’s that for “on the fence?!”

Get ready to Thrive in ’25!

Feel energized and focused. Calm, yet unstoppable—no matter what life throws your way. Aligned with your goals AND your self-care.

Thrive in '