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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


EXCLUSIVE ANNOUNCEMENT: Erica Diamond new Kleenex Brand Ambassador Launching Campaign at Oprah Winfrey Conference

I have been waiting to share this exciting news for some time. As bloggers, you can imagine the swag that gets thrown our way… read this and review it, eat this and blog about it, go there and tell your readers about it. But the truth is, I say no to 99% of the offers that are sent my way. The success of this blog has come through integrity, honesty, hard work, and captivating content that keeps you coming back for more.

Drink To Your Health With David’s Tea

So it’s a rainy rainy Monday night here in Montreal. My husband is away on business. Kids are now asleep. And I have been wanting to tell you more about some of my favorite things. Finding the time has been the hard part! 🙂

In the midst of everything, I’m co-chairing a big charity benefit tomorrow evening for 600 women. And I feel like I’m getting sick. So I’m drinking my tea to stay well tonight. My David’s Tea.

Activia Launches New French and Greek Yogurts

I am thrilled today to kick off a brand new section to our site… ERICA’S FAVORITE THINGS!! When I look at my life, there are so many things that I couldn’t live without, that help me thrive, and multi-task with ease, so this section will be for that… my favorites! It’s about time. 🙂 When Dannon approached me to help them spread the word about the launch of their new Activia French and Greek yogurts, of course I was thrilled to do so. How natural? IT’S MY EVERY MORNING BREAKFAST! Activia yogurt is definitely one of my favorite things!!

EXCLUSIVE: Erica Diamond Spokesperson for ICE – Unveils ‘The Erica Diamond Collection’ of Jewelry

I am both thrilled and excited to announce that I have teamed up with ICE to create the THE ERICA DIAMOND COLLECTION of jewelry, inspired by the modern woman and mom. As women, mothers, wives, partners, sisters, daughters and friends, we are all professional multi-taskers trying to look and feel our best. I have chosen a jewelry collection that is about celebrating womanhood around the world and recognizing the different facets of our lives… sexy, playful, elegant, edgy. That is this collection… simple, classy, versatile, modern, and AFFORDABLE. What could be better?

Hot Summer Fashion Tips

Getting off the fence is all about making decisions, taking action and committing to your decisions in life. I was on the fence not one year ago, when I knew I loved and had an eye for fashion (I studied Fashion Design at FIT and Parsons), had a real knack for writing (I had seen the magazine world at work with a stint at W Magazine), but wasn’t quite sure how to marry these two talents.

CAbi Scoop Fashion Week

As a Blogger, you can imagine the amount of free swag n’ stuff that gets sent my way. But the truth is, I rarely accept ANYTHING. When I started this Blog, it wasn’t to do product reviews in exchange for “stuff.” It was a place where women who were sitting on the fence, much like myself, could come together, unite, vent, learn, laugh, and get off the fence. It wasn’t to receive free gifts– I can buy them myself. But when I was invited down with four other Bloggers to CAbi Scoop Fashion week in Nashville last week, I said yes. “Why?” you might ask, “Why would you care to go to a fashion show?” Well, I do love fashion, so confession number one, that was a little incentive. I also enjoy meeting other Bloggers whose Blogs I read. It always ends up being a jolly ol’ girly time… that was reason number two. But the real reason, was the woman behind CAbi– Carol Anderson, a visionary and entrepreneur.

A Contest and Giving Back

Boston Pizza reached out to me with an amazing contest that incorporated giving and children’s charity, I couldn’t resist.

With the Christmas season fast approaching, many people have started to think about how they can make a difference in their communities. Boston Pizza is supporting Canadian charities with the launch a national fundraising initiative in support of Canadian families.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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