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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


Essential Oils and Feeling Good on #WellnessWednesday


In case you missed our FIRST-EVER Facebook Live, here is the link! Or shall, I say…. LINKS. Ugh.

It was our first, and unbeknownst to me, I obviously have poor wifi signal strength in my home. So, we had to chop it up into three videos. The first two are not super clear (and unfortunately we lost quite a bit of info due to connectivity issue), but then we went off of wifi, and the third one we got right.

Today all sparked out of a Facebook status update I posted two weeks ago asking my friends about their essential oil use. Many chimed in- some about their love and use of aromatherapy, and others who want to learn more.

A #MindfulMonday: On The Mindfulness Fad

I recently came across a LinkedIn post on mindfulness which was an article shared by the extremely talented, intelligent and inspiring Arianna Huffington. Set aside the fact that I have a completely platonic woman crush on this admirably successful yet humble woman, I am also equally intrigued by any information that can help me be a better me — hence, my immediate mental attraction to the article, titled “Tony Robbins Breaks Down the 10-Minute Exercise He Does Every Morning to Have More Energy.“

More energy? Hell yes, I need this!

I sure as heck need more energy because between balancing children, work and marriage, I am freakin’ drained. As I looked a little closer, I noticed Huffington’s intro teaser referenced the word “priming;” a staple notion of Robbins. And no ladies, he is not talking about what you put on your face pre-makeup application. What Robbins is talking about is the fact that he has spent 30 years practicing this so-called “priming,” which is rooted in yoga and mindfulness.

Motivation Monday Announcements!

Happy Motivation Monday! Also, Happy World Kindness Day!

I am coming off an empowering weekend doing my next level YogaFit teacher certification.

A highlight from Saturday: learning how to replace negative thoughts, emotions and judgements in our OWN lives with positive ones so we can radiate it outwards to our yoga students when they get on their mats in class and then into the world.

A highlight from Sunday: learning the art of surrendering to the universe and having faith that what is meant for us will happen at the right moment (ishwara pranidhana), making the best out of our situation and accepting what is and the concept of being present and in the moment (santosha), the willingness to be disciplined and committed (tapas), letting go of expectation and competition (stay and astray).

Anxiety in Kids, Teens and Us

Let’s consider this kind of a Wordless Wednesday. 😉

This past Monday night, I, with great guilt, missed an event that I go to yearly called Choices. It’s a beautiful gathering of 700 women who come together in one room to eat and drink and celebrate our community, and listen to an inspirational female speaker who has made some tough choices in her life. Hence, the name of the event Choices. I have chaired Choices in the past, and I fully support everything CJA related, but our school sent us this flyer a few weeks ago.

And I made the choice to put my family first Monday night.

Wordless Wednesday: Halloween Happiness

We usually have lame Halloween spirit. This year we tried to bring our A game. We get a solid B+ 😉

The great idea of him as a yoga teacher and me as a yoga mat go to Hilly. Dollar store yoga mats stapled together, and the Lululemon logo printed out at the office and also stapled to my mat.

YUP. I know. You can’t unsee this.


Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Halloween.

Yoga, Life Coaching and My Debut on The Today Show

Sit back, relax and grab a cup green tea… it’s Transformation Tuesday!

I am still feeling very fortunate that both my worlds of life coaching and yoga collided this past Friday on The Today Show with Megan Kelly. My mandate? To teach Megan, her audience, and America, yoga poses specifically for stress management and a more zen you. Taught from the place of a modern yoga teacher AND life coach showing you different poses you can flow through and breathe through to a calmer you… I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Megan and her team were delightful, and our audience was totally game when I challenged them to TREE POSE!

Finding the Golden Goose in Abuse

By Philippa Sklaar

You know how you thought that when you met the man of your dreams he would change?

And he did.

For the worst.

But you still held onto him because you believed that having anybody was better than having nobody. It was the power of your love that would realize his potential – if only he would just listen!

I, like you, a victim of abuse, believed that all I was worth was a man who beat me, punched me and cheated on me. I shrunk each time I heard, “First time a victim, second time a volunteer,” “If you go back you deserve what you get” and “Why don’t you just leave?”

A “Fresh” Summer Approach To Organizing Your Fridge

I’m a sport dietitian and cycling Olympian with the Canadian Sport Centre in Calgary, where I consult several national teams. I was also the Performance Dietitian for the Canadian Olympic Committee and Team Canada at the London Summer Olympic Games. I was their main support during the games when it came to food selection and dietary needs.

How I Rid Myself of Morning Anxiety – The 30 Day Anxiety-Free Morning Challenge

My alarm goes off. My body instantly springs into alert mode twisting, limbs flailing, eyes dry looking, scrambling, searching trying to find the button to make the madness stop! Like the average millennial, my cell phone has become a handy alternative to that old thing, what was it called? An alarm clock? Now that I have my phone in hand, why not check to see what I’ve been missing for the past 8 hours? I check my email to find that I didn’t get accepted to the freelance job board I’ve been waiting for.

Brain: “You’re a loser”

Happy #NationalWomensHealthWeek!

Happy National Women’s Health Week, ladies!

How perfect to follow up Mother’s Day with a reminder to care for our mind, bodies and soul.

So I ask you today. When you think about meditation, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Bogus? Boring? Ineffective? I’d never do it?

Well, let me ask you another few questions: Are you overwhelmed? Are you stressed? Are you short-tempered? Has the joy been sucked out of your life? Does life seem a lot like groundhog day? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should meditate. Yup, you should.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

Join my FREE time management and productivity workshop!

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