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You Do You, Boo

Let’s think of this as your Wordless Wednesday (so I’ll keep it short). Or your Wisdom Wednesday. Or your Wake Up Wednesday.

Definition ‘ You Do You, Boo’ Urban Dictionary: When a person wants to do something that will cause them to be judged but they do it anyway. “Joanne wants to wear her hair in pigtails but she is getting weird looks from her classmates but her friend Ella likes them and says “you do you boo.”

It’s easy to get caught up looking at other people’s gardens, or lifestyles, or followers, and compare it to yours. Your homework on this Hump Day is to do you, boo.

Do your thing, do it well, enjoy it, be crazy and wild while you do it, and stop giving a shit about what others are doing.

You do you, boo. Celebrates Its 9th Blogiversary and a Rebranded!

9 years ago yesterday, I became a blogger. I really didn’t know what a blogger was, just that it would be the place I would try and get unstuck and off the fence, and so would you. I was working shit out at the time, and writing seemed to be a way to process it and work through it. We would vent, and help each other, and share our disappointments and frustrations. We would cheer each other on, and support one another. We would also listen to other stories of people who have overcome too. We believed vulnerability is strength, not weakness. And it changed my life.

I no longer write about my children because when the diaper and poop and bottle phase ended and real life took over, it suddenly felt like a betrayal of their privacy. But we have grown and evolved as a Brand. I’ve had some incredible highs, some life-learning lows, and I wouldn’t change a thing. This women’s lifestyle blog, ‘Real Inspiration for the Modern Woman’ will always be my safe place to work things out.




Have you ever lost sight of why you started or WHAT YOU ACTUALLY WANT FOR YOURSELF? Do you ever try and gain inspiration and motivation by looking around, and instead, get more confused? Ever feel pulled in a few directions and don’t feel crystal clear on where you’re going and what you’re doing?

I’ve felt that way before. 

In the past, I’ve gone through times where I asked myself the question, WHAT DO I REALLT WANT, BECAUSE IT SEEMS I’VE LOST SIGHT. 

I think when you feel like this, it’s important to pause. There’s a great saying, “When you’re tired or uninspired, learn to rest, not quit.” I think it’s normal that the routine gets us all after a while and we fall a little flat. 

What Women’s Equality Day Means To Me

My boys have all left for golf. I just finished making the beds. I’m sipping coffee, and instead of going to the gym, or for a walk, I really feel like I have something to say today.

So, sitting surrounded by inspirational sayings in my sweet new office and calm space, here goes.

You may or many not know that today is Womens’ Equality Day. To give you a point of reference, this is it:

I’m Back! Sorta…

Hello my incredible ladies! It’s been a while…

I missed you.

So… I am working all my jobs (life coaching, weekly Global TV, preparing for fall talks, teaching yoga, brand work).

But I’m not quite back here… yet.


Because I don’t feel like I can give you what would meet my standards for a lifestyle blog, until school starts.

So, I’m working in my city, but will to come back to you in written form when the kids are off summer break, and when I can declutter my space, my life, and then my brain.

Wordless Wednesday: No Working Mom Guilt

Heels are packed. Gotta love cozy shoes for travel. Heading to #The6 for the day, home ce soir. Speaking on work life balance and I absolutely love my job. I’m proud my boys see me working at something I’m passionate about.

One time-management life hack I’ll share here: The Ideal Work-To-Break Ratio is 52 minutes of work, followed by 17 minutes of rest. Have you mastered this scientific brain productivity ratio?

People who have mastered this ratio will thrive more because the brain functions well in spurts of approximately one hour of high energy, followed by 15-20 minutes of rest or lower energy expenditure. Share it with your kids too entering the exam period.

Your Choice Now…

As we are finishing up Q1, the first quarter of the year, it’s a good time to pause and take stock. Even if you’re not a company. 😉

I wrote a post in December about blooming where you are planted for the New Year. I truly believe, wherever you are on your path at any given moment, you don’t have to be THERE yet to still bloom NOW.

I wrote in December, that while experts were discussing new year’s resolutions and what changes to make in 2018, I offered you the idea that what if it’s all about NOT changing, not replacing— but fixing, enhancing and appreciating? Want to find a better job, bigger house, better relationship? Renovate what you have to make it suit your needs.

That option is always available for you.

The Closing of #WomensHistoryMonth and Beginning of Springtime

Given that it’s #WomensHistoryMonth, I was asked to participate in this photoshoot to celebrate the magic that happens when strong, boundary pushing women get together. This is only a small portion of the inspiring women who were in that studio on that wondrous evening (full photos below), but it was a true testament to how powerful the vibe of our tribe really is. We had women from all walks of life. Restaurateurs, doctors, mathematicians, real estate moguls, writers, jewellers, designers etc… Thank you to Monique Weston for bringing us all together, staging us, and to the incomparable Sasha Onyshchenko/Kravetz Photographics, your work is MIND-BLOWING.

Gang’s all here. This photoshoot is part of a much bigger conversation, which will unfold in the next little bit… but for now it’s exciting to be part of a message that highlights what happens when brains and beauty meet. When strength and confidence shatter ceilings. When we are effortlessly ourselves, open, raw, and ready to seize opportunity. Intelligence is sexy. Nobody in this group accepted the bare minimum life had to offer, and nobody ever should. Together we can move mountains.

Happy Birthday @Oprah! 25 Lessons Learned

Today is Oprah’s birthday.

For those of you who are big readers of this blog, you know that Oprah is my hero, my queen, my inspiration. I’ve met her, I’ve attended her LifeClass taping, the Weekend with Oprah, I’ve filmed 5 episodes of The OWN SHOW on OWN TV,  etc…

Heck, she even tweeted me. 😉

So, to honor O’s birthday, I have rerun an old post of all the life lessons that I learned from Oprah. I hope you will enjoy it the second time around, and if you are a new reader, well, enjoy it for the first time.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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