Well, I turn 40 today. Not quite sure when THAT happened?! I’m pretty sure it…
Well, I turn 40 today. Not quite sure when THAT happened?! I’m pretty sure it…
Cheers to this lady and her courage and braveness on sharing so openly and candidly with the world in hopes of both spreading awareness and saving her own life.
… Then two weeks ago I got a call from my doctor with blood-test results. “Your CA-125 is normal,” he said. I breathed a sigh of relief. That test measures the amount of the protein CA-125 in the blood, and is used to monitor ovarian cancer. I have it every year because of my family history.
But that wasn’t all. He went on. “There are a number of inflammatory markers that are elevated, and taken together they could be a sign of early cancer.” I took a pause. “CA-125 has a 50 to 75 percent chance of missing ovarian cancer at early stages,” he said. He wanted me to see the surgeon immediately to check my ovaries.
By Guest Blogger Dana Kobernick
As I slide into my fiftieth birthday with all the grace and composure of a train half off the rails, I can’t help but go through the typical machinations of a woman approaching – or past – middle age. Until now, I have led a fulfilled life. I recognize my fortune that manifests primarily through my rich relationships with family members and friends. I have had a productive career, indulged my passion for travel and been active in community initiatives.
Still, there are regrets.
I was thrilled to be able to showcase five exceptional women on Global TV last #IWD, who are paving the way for others. These five trailblazing and inspiring women make me want to up my game, and truly make a difference in this world. This Sunday, March 8th, marks the 104th anniversary of International Women’s Day, a day that honors the fight for our rights as women– to end hunger, end poverty, end domestic violence, fight for gender equality and rally around each other as women.
In cased you missed it last year, here are five remarkable women paving the way in their communities and around the world. I urge you to watch these shining stars.
Happy #MotivationMonday, ladies!
My fifth episode of the #OWNSHOW on OWN TV aired live at 7am this morning. The topic was on some less well-known happiness boosters.
Here is this week’s episode on Oprah Winfrey Network TV.
For other happiness boosters to incorporate into your life immediately, visit this article.
Once we’re on the topic on happiness, I also wanted to share an info-graphic on success. I thought this was quite interesting, and I would love to hear your thoughts. I think if we look closely here, we can all own traits of both success and unsuccess.
Here is the research out of Stanford. As if we didn’t already know how incredible it feels to be with our girlfriends, a study out of Stanford explained just how “healthy” these female friendships are:
In an evening class at Stanford, the last lecture was on the mind-body connection – the relationship between stress and disease. The speaker (head of psychiatry at Stanford) said, among other things, that one of the best things that a man could do for his health is to be married to a woman, whereas for a woman, one of the best things she could do for her health was to nurture her relationships with her girlfriends. At first everyone laughed, but he was serious.
Women connect with each other differently and provide support systems that help each other to deal with stress and difficult life experiences.
I watched this last night, and it changed me. It changed my entire perceptive on everything I’ve built and am currently trying to build right now. It helped reshift my mindset about the speed at which things move and my frustration at times with that speed. I helped me see the creative process in a new light.
If you are a creator in any capacity, Ira Glass, host of the radio show This American Life has some words of wisdom for you.
Happy Friday! Kids are off school next week for winter break so I’m getting ready to wind things down for a few days.
In the fall, I was interviewed by my close friend and New York Times bestselling author Christy Whitman on the Art of Having It All. This topic is very near and dear to Christy’s heart since her book The Art of Having It All will be released in just a few days, on February 25th! Christy is a rockstar mom, wife, coach, author and speaker. She does GOOD work.
My third episode of the #OWNSHOW on OWN TV aired live at 7am this morning.
Oprah calls them the “tiny whispers” that we often ignore. These tiny whispers are also called your instincts or intuition. Today, I share why listening to that inner voice is so important to our happiness.
Additionally, some small telling signs that we should all pay attention to:
Signs that you feel agitated, untrusting, and a general feeling of malaise. Most people stay stuck and don’t respond to the small whispers because it’s a comfortable place to not have to commit and see something through. So many people ignore the tiny whispers because it isn’t easy to commit to changing something. Change can be a very scary thing.
Change involves a tremendous amount of risk, and puts us outside our comfort zone. But, I quote the title of James Moore’s book, “You Can Get Bitter Or Better.” It’s true, you make that choice about how you’re going to respond to change. You hold the power. And if you read this blog, we all know what happens when we sit on the fence.
Happy Motivation Monday, ladies!
Episode 2 of my #OWNSHOW on OWN TV guest appearance aired live at 7am this morning. This week’s episode was more about sharing experiences from my coaching practice as well as my own life experiences, and the one strategy people can practice if they feel they have too much on their plate. This week is about how to make those crucial decisions…
I’ll give you a hint, but please watch below:
A great rule I like to follow as well as have my clients follow is The 85% Rule. Most of us are stressed and unhappy simply because we are overwhelmed: we take on too much. I practice the 85% rule – I make sure 85% of my commitments are NECESSARY COMMITMENTS. That means, I have started eliminating unnecessary commitments from my schedule. It’s practicing the art of saying “no” to the things that don’t BOOST YOUR HAPPINESS.