Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

Take Erica's FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


Trading Prada for Peace

I was an advertising executive in the television industry for 12 years before I jumped off the fence. I am an only child, raised by an Asian mother who had her own successful career in the medical field, and a German-American father with a successful career in the aerospace industry. I was raised to excel in my studies and obtain the high-paying executive job and title. I was on my way.

I was fortunate to have found my soul mate and husband in my late 20’s, and we both decided to wait a few years before starting our family. My first daughter came along shortly after my promotion into a management position. Having the financial resources, we had a full-time nanny, which allowed me to continue my career. My job required much time, travel, and intellectual/emotional effort. Being in the entertainment industry, I got to meet and work with famous television and movie stars. In addition to attending awards shows, movie premieres, and launch parties, my husband and I got to attend exciting events such as the Olympics and the Super Bowl.

How To Fight Procrastination

Wise words. Especially for my Busy To Bliss students who just finished Module 3 on Time Management.

Let’s talk about the P word.


Eat The Frog

Well, hello and welcome to my favorite time management strategy: Eat the Frog! What do…

Two Questions To Ask Yourself Under Quarantine

Today’s post is for those who are able to use a little bit of time to strategize for the future. If you are functioning daily on survival mode (as most of the population is), you can absolutely sit this one out. No pressure. ?
I am thankful that my coaching practice is busy these COVID-19 days with people who need wellness strategies and who want to plan for the future after the fog is lifted. ?
These are the first two questions I ask every new client. It gives me an idea of where you want to be, and what is standing in the way of you getting there. ?

Spring Break Insights

On my 8-day spring break holiday, I have spent so much of it listening to podcasts. It’s funny, when I feel inspired, I listen to podcasts. When I feel uninspired, I listen to MORE podcasts. My favorite is listening to business shows. That might sound weird to you, but I have after all, started 3 businesses and sold one.

This morning on my meditative walk by the ocean, I wanted to share with you a few insights as to my learnings this week in podcast life:

On Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace

Some bosses are tough, aggressive, direct, and curt. That might be considered acceptable behavior, even if it doesn’t suit you. But harassment and abuse are not acceptable. It can be hard to tell the difference, particularly when you’ve been heating up degree by degree. That’s what I found from my research on Millennials at work.

Over the course of two years, I interviewed over 200 high performing, high potential women and men to explore how young leaders develop. Through story analysis, we found twelve important challenges that almost everyone faces during their first ten years of work. Sadly, working with an office villain is among them.

Off the Fence and Saying Goodbye to Women on the Fence

Sometimes, you just know when it’s time for a change. When it’s time to take a new path, shake up your look, or look at life from a new perspective.

Or, in my case, reinvent your brand for a new decade. (Keep reading for the big reveal!)

For me, that moment came in the Winter of 2019 at the Blissdom conference for women’s lifestyle content creators. I used to attend these conferences regularly, back when they were conferences primarily for mom bloggers and the brands that wanted to work with them. It was the perfect event for me to attend as the creator of the Women on the Fence brand. But over the last few years, I had skipped the annual event.

How to Self-Publish Your Book

I have a question for you: What are you doing with your manuscript?

You finally finished writing your book.  Congratulations!  Possibly, you spent years writing and rewriting it.  I’m sure it represents a ton of work and an unbelievable amount of time, so you have accomplished something to really be proud of.

Now you have to address the publication issue. One possibility is self-publishing. Writing a book and publishing a book require very different skills, so you’ll have to do some internet research.  Once you start, you’ll be shocked at how much information is available on the web. What you probably won’t realize at first is that the web searches can lead to unintended problems.

There are two areas of concern here. First, some of the self-publishing information is inaccurate or flat out misleading.  Second, the web is filled with scam artists looking to prey on first-time self-publishing authors.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

Join my FREE time management and productivity workshop!

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