Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

Take Erica's FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


Happy Canada Day, Happy 4th of July and a July Blogging Slowdown

We all have a special weekend ahead. I am celebrating my beloved country Canada’s 150th birthday, and you, my American friends, are celebrating your independence. We take a day off, we rest, we regroup, we reflect, we spend time with family and friends, and hey, it’s SUMMER!

I sent my boys off on the bus this week to summer camp. And judging by this picture, I think someone is happy. And lucky.

8 Great Summer Reads for Women!

Summer is the perfect time to take a break, lay out in the sunshine and get into a great book.

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On this week’s Global TV segment, I shared eight great summer reads. In the fall, I had included something for every woman: fiction, non-fiction, laugh-out-loud funny, witty, heartwarming, and a heart-pounding thriller. For the summer though, I like to keep it a little lighter. We don’t have to be serious ALL THE TIME. 😉 Sometimes it’s okay for Calgon to take us away.

My Epic Fail at Work Life Balance

By Sheri Salata

What do you say when someone asks you about the topic you most dread? When you work from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, plus several hours on the weekends, all while being on call 24/7—how do you respond to this question: “What about your work/life balance?”

Usually, first I gulped. And then I replied with some inane ramblings.


hank you to my PR friend G.G. Benitez for sharing this gem last night. A perfect #MotivationMonday.

I believe that when you do your best, and give it your best, day in and day out, over time, good things show up at your door.

And therefore, that means that I won’t always plan.

No plan?

Yah, sometimes, (and more often lately), no plan.

And that has a kind of calming, soothing feeling.

It’s like the art of hustling and surrendering. Working and then waiting.

A Tribute To All Women On Mother’s Day

This is our 8th Mother’s Day together on I have paid tribute to my incredible mother, and to my two beautiful sons (that I owe my mother title to). I have also paid tribute to the many stories of mothers who have endured and overcome, who have experienced tragedy and triumph, and who have come out on the other side with grace and resilience.

Pour Out the Bucket

Is your bucket list bringing you more stress than joy?

Are you feeling left out because you don’t see how you’ll ever have the time or money to tackle your bucket list?

I poured out my bucket and you can too.

What is a Bucket List?

The definition of “bucket list” is a list of things that one wants to do before dying.

Right In Your Own Backyard

Peace and serenity can be found in your own backyard. Literally.

You don’t need to take a plane, and you don’t need to leave the comforts of your own surroundings. You just have to create it for yourself. It’s 7:30am. Sun is rising. Whole family is asleep upstairs. Reading the paper, sipping coffee, trying to build my own bliss. Happy Saturday. #FindYourBliss #SelfCare

5 Tips To Improve Time Management, Productivity and Organization!

Have you heard of TIME BLOCKING?

This morning’s Global TV segment was on a topic that I love – getting organized and effectively managing your time. And it came about as a result of a work/life balance evening I led last week. I gave a workshop to 25 men and women, and the biggest struggles shared by both the men and women alike, are the ability to manage their time, maximize both their work day and personal life, avoid distractions and interruptions, and be productive with their hours. I thought it might make a good segment after I saw the challenges most of us face.

Take a look, and share your best tips with us below! 🙂

What I Learned On My 42nd Birthday

On Friday April 7th, I celebrated my birthday by sharing the day with 120 women in my first-ever conference, Off The Fence & WISE. Off The Fence & WISE became the collaboration of two Montreal empowerment brands: Women On The Fence and Wise Women Canada. The day was happy, it was funny, it was heavy, it was dark, it was uplifting, it was spirited. And it surpassed my greatest expectations.

Get ready to Thrive in ’25!

Feel energized and focused. Calm, yet unstoppable—no matter what life throws your way. Aligned with your goals AND your self-care.

Thrive in '