Morning walks in nature aren’t cancelled.
In fact, they should become an everyday occurrence for you now.
Spring is coming.
Sending virtual healthy hugs,
Morning walks in nature aren’t cancelled.
In fact, they should become an everyday occurrence for you now.
Spring is coming.
Sending virtual healthy hugs,
The 7-Day #GetOffTheFence Challenge is Here. Join Me on Instagram!
Since I have made it my life’s mission over the past ten years to empower women to get off the fence and unstuck, I’m super excited to launch my 7 day #GetOffTheFence Challenge to guide us into 2020.
It’s simple to participate!
Follow me here on Instagram and follow my daily life coaching homework to begin getting off the fence. The challenge will go 7 days long.
I’ve been contemplating the end of the decade, and this year, I am offering you something new.
This year, you are the artist of your own blank canvas, and I have offered you a focus for each month to take you through the first year of the new decade.
I have left it vague and fairly open on purpose: this exercise is to get you introspective and intentional.
How Do You Talk To People?
The Practice: Try A Softer Tone.
When our kids were little, I’d come home from work wanting some peace after the daily roller-coaster and often walk into a living room full of stuff – toy trucks, tennis shoes, bags of chips, etc. At the time, the arrangement my wife and I had was that I’d be primarily responsible for income and she’d be primarily responsible for taking care of the kids, including getting them to pick up after themselves. When we were both home, we divided the housework and child-rearing evenly.
“Every year we follow the same routine, we list New Year’s resolutions that we vow to keep, we cross our fingers, and we step into the next year. Unfortunately, only 8% of New Year’s resolutions are successful.” – Deepak Chopra Center
It’s November and we are nearing the end of the DECADE. How would you feel if you could truly live your purpose and passion, make a strategic plan to manifest your goals, get unstuck and live your life to the fullest? And then how would you feel having someone hold your hand throughout the process– your own accountability partner?
I am here to help.
I have life coached THOUSANDS of women around the world for the past 15 years. It is my mission to empower and teach women how to manifest a life they love.
I did a thing today.
Actually I drove away from the thing I wanted to do because I wasn’t sure about it.
I picked up my daughter as planned and when she got in the car, I told her about what I saw and what I wanted to do. She said, “If you don’t feel right about not doing something, you should go back.” So, I drove back with my Joy to the place where the woman stood holding a cardboard sign that read, “Please I have no job. I have two kids and we are hungry.”
Come on now.
We all know in our heart of hearts that no one wants to stand on a street with a sign begging for help. We’re sometimes just so wrapped up in our own worries being mindless to others around us that we don’t imagine how good and easy we have it. Or worse, and I’m guilty of this too, we shove a few coins in their hands so we can feel better about ourselves.
If you’re not afraid, it’s not your edge.
If you’re not resistant, it’s not your edge. If you can coast through it, it’s not your edge.
If you’re not feeling raw, it’s not your edge. If you’re trying to fit yourself into a mental framework, it’s not your edge. If you think you’ve got it figured out, it’s not your edge.
If you leap too soon, you’ll bounce back to your old ways before long; and if you wait too long to leap, you’ll remain bound to your old ways after the novelty of seeing different ground has worn thin. Going to your edge is not a one-time activity; it’s a way of being.
Ten years ago today, I wrote my first blog post. It’s our’s 10th BLOGIVERSARY!
How things have changed over the past decade. Growth, evolution, stumbles, triumphs, watching my babies grow.
Thank you for sticking with me. I am grateful beyond measure.
How my first post went, September 11, 2009:
By Janice Croze
46 today. I am still here, baby. I have more pounds and wrinkles than I want. But I am still here — and I will never be as young as I am today!
My dad died when he was 56 of a brain aneurism and his dad died at 42 of a brain aneurism.
My dad was always sure he would die young – the age his dad died a marker he couldn’t ignore.
Just as my dad did, I can’t ignore the marker of my father’s early death.
Only ten years older than I am.
What would make a difference inside you?
The Practice:
Grow Inner Strengths.
I’ve hiked a lot and have often had to depend on what was in my pack. Inner strengths are the supplies you’ve got in your pack as you make your way down the twisting and often hard road of life. They include a positive mood, common sense, integrity, inner peace, determination, and a warm heart. Researchers have identified other strengths as well, such as self-compassion, secure attachment, emotional intelligence, learned optimism, the relaxation response, self-esteem, distress tolerance, self-regulation, resilience, and executive functions. I’m using the word strength broadly to include positive feelings such as calm, contentment, and caring, as well as skills, useful perspectives and inclinations, and embodied qualities such as vitality or relaxation. Unlike fleeting mental states, inner strengths are stable traits, an enduring source of well-being, wise and effective action, and contributions to others.