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Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


Steve Jobs Hired Me. I Said, No.

As you’ve probably heard, if you have not yet experienced it yourself, it’s not easy to power UP as a committed parent in the United States, where business and culture are so invested in rapid growth. It’s even harder in Silicon Valley, where every company is in a race to ship first and where, in large part, men with spouses who take the domestic lead, if not the entire burden, still write the rules of professional engagement.

One time I was about to be interviewed for a live technology news broadcast. It was minutes before we went on the air, and the reporter and I were seated in our chairs next to each other. The reporter noticed me jotting things down on a small notepad and asked if I was preparing my answers, reminding me that I could not read anything off my pad while filming. I showed him what I was writing. When he saw it he laughed. “I’ve never had anyone about to go on live TV writing their grocery list!” he said.

Maybe I was the first working mother he had as a guest. “It’s my next stop after your show,” I said. “When else am I going to write it?”

How To Help Your Teen De-Stress and Turn Down the Academic Heat During Exam Period

On this morning’s Global TV segment, I spoke all about upcoming December exams and shared tips and tactics on how to help our kids de-stress and thrive during this overwhelming period.
We are dealing with this now in our home as my 9th grader starts exams in two weeks. I have been taking my own advice, and guiding him to avoid cramming, start backward planning, and learn proper stress management tools. We’re a work in progress.

Parental Addiction to Smartphones and the Harmful Effects on Kids

This morning on my weekly segment on Global News, I discussed something that as a parent, perhaps, you might connect with. I shared some of the research on ‘distracted parenting’ caused by smartphones and the harmful effects on children (based on studies both on humans and rats in labs).

I then went on to share some tips on how parents can unplug and disconnect.

I hope you’ll watch this important segment in the link above.

Hockey and Sports Moms Survival Tips

The hockey and sports season has kicked off, which means it’s going to be a busy winter for us moms with kids in sports. Between managing school work, getting to practice on time, keeping the kids fed with healthy food, and even traveling for tournaments – it can be hectic to juggle it all.

As a hockey mom of 10 years and a life coach for more than that, I know firsthand the importance of establishing a routine early on. In collaboration with Holiday Inn Express, here are my tried-and-true tips for staying organized and helping your family win (off the ice too) this sports season.

Wordless Wednesday: Halloween Happiness

We usually have lame Halloween spirit. This year we tried to bring our A game. We get a solid B+ 😉

The great idea of him as a yoga teacher and me as a yoga mat go to Hilly. Dollar store yoga mats stapled together, and the Lululemon logo printed out at the office and also stapled to my mat.

YUP. I know. You can’t unsee this.


Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Halloween.

How Momma Got Her Groove Back (And You Can Too)

“What’s up with Mom? She’s acting different these days. She is slower to respond to our requests for ridiculous things that we could easily get ourselves. She is on her phone a lot, too. She seems to be busier and quicker to ‘shush’ us. But strangely, she also seems happier. She seems excited about whatever it is she is doing on her computer and phone all day. She seems a little prouder of herself.”

Well, guess what guys? Mom went back to work. No, it’s not a 9-5 office job, and that’s why she still gets to spend the majority of her day taking care of you, but she is working, and she is working really freaking hard.

I think that after being a SAHM for three years, the whole family got very used to and fond of the idea that Mommy doesn’t work. Nope. Not like those people who really work. Those people who go to the office every day and make a difference with what they are doing. Nope. That’s not Mom. Mom just stays home with us and makes sure we are doing okay. How easy is that, right?

Dropout: How My Daughter Began A Four Year Disengagement From High School

All parents imagine how life will unfold for their children.

I, of course, imagined my eldest daughter would finish high school.

I was filled with anxiety and confusion when it all started to unravel. In the fall of 2000 while in Grade 7, after a successful time in elementary school, my 12-year-old Avery, began what would be a four-year disengagement from school.

Why would a privileged, middle-class adolescent choose this when dropping out was nothing short of taboo and would complicate her life?

How To Manage Kids Summer Screen Time, Facts and Hacks

Happy First Day of Summer! For many parents, these summer months are a time to loosen the screen-time reigns and let kids play Pokemon Go, Temple Run and Minecraft as long as they want. Others worry about the impact of too many hours spent on social media, games and videos, often at the cost of more nostalgic summer past times, real or imagined. (Did we all actually climb trees, build forts and pick blueberries?).

But how to manage screen time when you might not even be home to do it? And even if you are a stay-at-home parent, do you have the energy to fight the battle every hour of the day? It’s a challenge for many families, and one that’s generating a host of responses: One Washington D.C. area principal recently offered to pay incoming 8thand 9th graders $100 each if they went screen-free every Tuesday of summer vacation. Another mom recently locked her children’s devices into an offsite storage unit in her quest to experience some digital downtime.

What I Learned On My 42nd Birthday

On Friday April 7th, I celebrated my birthday by sharing the day with 120 women in my first-ever conference, Off The Fence & WISE. Off The Fence & WISE became the collaboration of two Montreal empowerment brands: Women On The Fence and Wise Women Canada. The day was happy, it was funny, it was heavy, it was dark, it was uplifting, it was spirited. And it surpassed my greatest expectations.

The #1 Predictor of Long Term Success in Kids

I LOVED yesterday morning’s topic.

Wondering what the the #1 determinant of long term success in kids is? Intelligence? IQ? Natural talent? Some fascinating research here, so parents, don’t miss this one. And I won’t give it away in the post, you’ll just have to watch.

Before I go, I want to close with my favorite parenting quote. As a certified life coach, mentor, entrepreneur, and mom to two boys, age 10 and 13, I know this to be true.

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

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