Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

Take Erica's FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules

Are you ready to FINALLY prioritize your self-care, prevent burnout, and reclaim your time, energy & balance in 2025?

The FREE Self-Care Masterclass: Your Personalized 4-Step Well-Being Roadmap for Busy Women With Real Life Schedules


If You’ve Got No Plan… I’ve Got You Covered

Hello, I’m back! Back in the groove. Kids are back in school (hallelujah), I’m back at work (grateful).

Our family time over the break was really restful. I became an auntie for the first time too!

Happy 2018, my beautiful ladies.

I checked in once this break, as I am really trying to focus on being present in all my activities. I also wanted to be fresh for 2018.

I feel ready.

If you rolled into the New Year without any resolutions, or are feeling stuck or in a rut, change starts today for you.

I’ve got a little roadmap ready to guide you.

#GetOffTheFence Challenge Day 6

Day 6 – Book yourself at an upcoming networking event

Book yourself at an upcoming event (networking, conference or other, in your city or another). Yes, I’m serious. Commit to being open-minded and getting out there and meeting new people. Meeting new people solely for the purpose of — once you know your goal for the new year, the law of attraction can help you meet random people in random places. But, it’s not so random. You see, once you’re crystal clear about what you want, you will attract those people you need who will help propel you closer to your goals. Yes it’s real, and it’s spectacular. ?

That’s today’s challenge. An interesting one. Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

The 7-Day #GetOffTheFence Challenge is Here! Join Me!

The 7-Day #GetOffTheFence 2018 Challenge STARTS NOW!

You might remember that I launched a movement a few years ago to inspire men, women and children globally to GET OFF THE FENCE! We launched our free app, it was a call to action to inspire you to get off the fence, get unstuck, and thrive.

Since I have made it my life’s mission over the past eight years to inspire women to get off the fence and unstuck, I’m super excited to launch our 7 day #GetOffTheFence Challenge!

It’s simple to participate!

Follow me on Instagram or subscribe to this blog and follow the daily life coaching homework to begin getting off the fence. The challenge will go 7 days long.

Steve Jobs Hired Me. I Said, No.

As you’ve probably heard, if you have not yet experienced it yourself, it’s not easy to power UP as a committed parent in the United States, where business and culture are so invested in rapid growth. It’s even harder in Silicon Valley, where every company is in a race to ship first and where, in large part, men with spouses who take the domestic lead, if not the entire burden, still write the rules of professional engagement.

One time I was about to be interviewed for a live technology news broadcast. It was minutes before we went on the air, and the reporter and I were seated in our chairs next to each other. The reporter noticed me jotting things down on a small notepad and asked if I was preparing my answers, reminding me that I could not read anything off my pad while filming. I showed him what I was writing. When he saw it he laughed. “I’ve never had anyone about to go on live TV writing their grocery list!” he said.

Maybe I was the first working mother he had as a guest. “It’s my next stop after your show,” I said. “When else am I going to write it?”

Parental Addiction to Smartphones and the Harmful Effects on Kids

This morning on my weekly segment on Global News, I discussed something that as a parent, perhaps, you might connect with. I shared some of the research on ‘distracted parenting’ caused by smartphones and the harmful effects on children (based on studies both on humans and rats in labs).

I then went on to share some tips on how parents can unplug and disconnect.

I hope you’ll watch this important segment in the link above.

Erica Diamond Launches ’30/30 Corporate Work-Life Wellness’ Power Lunch Workshop

This has been a long time coming.

It’s no secret that I give keynotes and talks on work-life balance at conferences and companies. It’s also no secret that I’ve been a yoga student over fifteen years and now a certified teacher. So marrying both my passions for offices both in Montreal and other cities is everything I know and love. I cannot wait to work with employees to achieve wellness through optimally balancing career and personal life.

I thought, “What a great way to spend lunch: a 30 minute power talk and a 30 minute stress-busting yoga class.” So I created it.

Motivation Monday Announcements!

Happy Motivation Monday! Also, Happy World Kindness Day!

I am coming off an empowering weekend doing my next level YogaFit teacher certification.

A highlight from Saturday: learning how to replace negative thoughts, emotions and judgements in our OWN lives with positive ones so we can radiate it outwards to our yoga students when they get on their mats in class and then into the world.

A highlight from Sunday: learning the art of surrendering to the universe and having faith that what is meant for us will happen at the right moment (ishwara pranidhana), making the best out of our situation and accepting what is and the concept of being present and in the moment (santosha), the willingness to be disciplined and committed (tapas), letting go of expectation and competition (stay and astray).

How Momma Got Her Groove Back (And You Can Too)

“What’s up with Mom? She’s acting different these days. She is slower to respond to our requests for ridiculous things that we could easily get ourselves. She is on her phone a lot, too. She seems to be busier and quicker to ‘shush’ us. But strangely, she also seems happier. She seems excited about whatever it is she is doing on her computer and phone all day. She seems a little prouder of herself.”

Well, guess what guys? Mom went back to work. No, it’s not a 9-5 office job, and that’s why she still gets to spend the majority of her day taking care of you, but she is working, and she is working really freaking hard.

I think that after being a SAHM for three years, the whole family got very used to and fond of the idea that Mommy doesn’t work. Nope. Not like those people who really work. Those people who go to the office every day and make a difference with what they are doing. Nope. That’s not Mom. Mom just stays home with us and makes sure we are doing okay. How easy is that, right?

Lil’ Human Riding Her Life Wave: AKA Sara’s Narrative

I started singing at a very young age.

After singing for my mom’s children’s record label, KIDZUP, at around 4 (or 5) years old, my parents put me in singing lessons. Funnily enough, I actually stopped singing and switched to piano for a few months. Then I switched back.

At around 10, I decided that I wanted to pursue music professionally.

Yoga, Life Coaching and My Debut on The Today Show

Sit back, relax and grab a cup green tea… it’s Transformation Tuesday!

I am still feeling very fortunate that both my worlds of life coaching and yoga collided this past Friday on The Today Show with Megan Kelly. My mandate? To teach Megan, her audience, and America, yoga poses specifically for stress management and a more zen you. Taught from the place of a modern yoga teacher AND life coach showing you different poses you can flow through and breathe through to a calmer you… I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Megan and her team were delightful, and our audience was totally game when I challenged them to TREE POSE!

It’s time to work smarter not harder, end procrastination and own your day… every day!

Join my FREE time management and productivity workshop!

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